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New forward foot controls

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    New forward foot controls

    I just made some forward foot controls for my 1982 GS750t with stainless steel and man it works, feels and looks great, once I get my digital camera I will add the picture of it to the website, for those who like the GS series but want there feet ahead this will be a mod you would love to see.

    Can't wait to see these pictures!
    I'm 6'1 and I would love to move my controls up on my 650L.
    I don't want a bigger bike,This is all the power I need.I just need a little more leg room.


      I just got my digital camera, I will have these pictures this week for you, stand by


        I am eager to see them too
        May do something on my 550.


          I wouldn't mind moving mine up a bit, too cramped with a passenger on board, let's see those pics man!


            got my interest as well 8-[ 8-[


              I got my camera figured out and have my side covers off polishing them, should have it all back together sometime on sunday and will take some pictures then, the way I done this mod it should work on any GS models, can I upload the picture files to this forum or send them to the admin ?



                You have to post them somewhere on the web and then use the Img tags in the post. I put my pictures on It's a free image repository. There are *all kinds* of pictures there so be careful if you have "picture problems" or if a significant other would get pist.



                  I got the pictures ready but have not had time to make a webpage, if anyone would like them please email me for the file, I am on dail up and it is 1.90 megs so if someone who has highspeed could you email me then distribute this file to others I would be thankfull, takes me a long time to send a file that big.


                    Send them to me.I'll hand them out for ya.I got dsl


                      Ok great, if anyone wants the forward controls pictures please email for them, if you cannot get ahold of him then email me and I will send them to you in turtle mode .

                      Thanks ElKaBong


                        That is an awsome job Banjoman!Very nice!
                        I'm going to print this out tonight and take it to a machine shop tomarrow.Thanks a bunch.
                        Anyone wanting these pics mailed to them just pm me or post here.I won't get in till late tomarrow,I got an appointment at the bike shop for new mufflers and now I'll have to take these pics by a local metal shop.You will no doubt like what Banjoman has done.

                        And may I also add that that is one of the cleanest motors I have ever seen!


                          Can you post the pics on this thread so we don't all have to email you for them? If anyone wants more detailed files they could then ask you directly ... just a thought.


                          Steve 8)


                            How would I do that ?


                              Originally posted by banjoman
                              How would I do that ?
                              Hey Banjo,

                              I already noted that you don't have a readily available place on the web to do that, but I figured maybe Elkabong does, because when you get high speed internet you usually also get some webspace to use for online storage as part of the package...

                              Steve 8)

