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PAMCO and their new electronic ignition system for the GS

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    PAMCO and their new electronic ignition system for the GS

    I just wanted let you all know about a new electronic ignition system for the GSs from Pamco Pete. You can find out about it here.

    Pete has been making his own electronic ignition systems for the Yamaha XS for several years now (his is a household name among the XS650 customizer crowd) and recently started making them for the Honda CB engines. Looking for a cheaper alternative to the Dynatek Dyna-S I asked him if he had considered making a system for the GS.

    After some emailing of pics and measurements back and forth he sent me a unit to test on my bike. Everything was spot-on from the get go and I was running electronic in a mere matter of minutes. Now he offers his system for all GS engines 550-1100 with mechanical advancers from 77-83. It runs $109.95 + $6 shipping.

    He's been a stand-up guy through the whole process and it was a pleasure working with him.

    I was surprised at the increased performance I got from swapping my points out with his electronic system. The increased torque and horsepower was quite tangible even though I have no hard numbers. I was merely looking to eliminate the hassle and maintenance of points but got additional power as well!

    Also, he doesn't mention this in his installation instructions, but you can wire your coil directly to your battery without using a relay with the Pamco. Since the ignition unit is always an open circuit if it isn't powered (i.e. ignition is switched off) simply run a 7.5 amp fused wire straight from the battery to one side of the primary connection on the coils and the other goes the Pamco. The Pamco itself is powered then by the old wires that used to power the coils (the orange/white wires running from the ignition switch). Boom! Full battery voltage to the coils and it's wired up in 1/4 the time, with 1/2 the parts, as a typical relay mod.

    That's very cool. Maybe somebody can convince/work with him to make a model for the GS400/425/450s. Dyna has a model but it's $300 because it includes the coils...


      I can't get an email to go through.Do you know if it is the right address?


        Thanks for the heads up, looks like a solid piece of equipment.
        1983 1100ES, 98' ST1100, 02' DR-Z400E and a few other 'bits and pieces'
        Are you on the GSR Google Earth Map yet?


          Originally posted by mike_of_bbg View Post
          That's very cool. Maybe somebody can convince/work with him to make a model for the GS400/425/450s. Dyna has a model but it's $300 because it includes the coils...
          If someone has a 400-450 and a small bit knowledge I bet he would *easily* be convinced. They would probably make out with free electronic ignition for their efforts as well. Looking at the fiches for those models the plate and advancer look identical to the 4 cylinder models. In fact, the model number for the 79 425 points plate is the same as the 79 550 so that's encouraging, although a different advancer is used between the two.

          But, that's just a matter of adjusting the rotor height, etc. which is the easier part for him to modify so it should be a piece of cake. If the points plate had been different (some odd phasing or something) then it would have been more work although he could do it. He made a 277 degree ignition for a re-phased XS650 that Hugh at Hugh's Handbuilts was building.


            Originally posted by max parsons View Post
            I can't get an email to go through.Do you know if it is the right address?
            He just set the web page up in the last week or two so I'm sure he's working out the details. I've always contacted him at this address:

            FYI, here are his other sites:
            YAMAHAXS650.COM ALL YOUR YAMAHA NEEDS Welcome To Yamaha XS650 Reproduction and custom made parts supplier supplies parts for Yamaha XS/TX650 Twins (1970-84) Only! We do not have a service shop. These

            Last edited by Guest; 11-22-2011, 02:35 PM. Reason: Added links


              petes. electronic ignition,,,

              hi guys ,,, a while ago i stupidly bought an australian electronic ignition from the ex president of the aussie club for xs650,, he charged me double the pamco price ,,, and 1 of the electronic boards blew up ... after 150K.s of riding,,, i sent it back,, and got no sorry i,ll replace it ,,, it took a month before he contacted me and said ,,,,ah,,you.ll have to use your points again ,,,since my business partner moved to queensland ,,,we have no spares at all... ,,, in short the aussie unit was absolut **** ,,, i,ve emailed pete several times and he,s great ,, i purchased a pamco of him for my xs650 and its not installed ,,, but they are sweet,,, and compact...and you can get help if you need it regards oldgrumpy
              Last edited by Guest; 11-25-2011, 12:33 AM. Reason: spelling


                silly thread.
                why offer something that is readily available from a long standing company.
                if this guy wants to sell the GS community something special...
                offer one for a 83-86 550E/ES US models.
                these are the ones you can not buy from dyna.


                  petes email......

                  Originally posted by max parsons View Post
                  I can't get an email to go through.Do you know if it is the right address?
                  hi if you look up the xs650 .com site,,, then look up pamcopete will get all the correct email info ...the club also has his email address regards oldgrumpy


           is no longer in service unfortunately. I have not received an email reply back from Pete to see if he still sold Suzuki models or not, but I was definitely planning on running one of these, as I had a Dyna-S fail (2 cylinders would drop out due to the 1-3 pickup module failing), and I have read about numerous people having hte same problem. Pete's setup sounded like a great solution, cheaper, and I'd rather support someone who builds really great, innovative products like him vs a big company that left a bad taste in my mouth.

                    Does anyone know what happened, or if he still makes GS stuff?
                    '77 GS750 920cc heavily modded
                    '97 Kawasaki KDX220R rugged terrain ripper!
                    '99 Kawasaki KDX220R​ rebuild in progress
                    '79 GS425stock
                    '77 Suzuki PE250 woods racer
                    '77 GS550 740cc major mods
                    '77 GS400 489cc racer build
                    '76 Rickman CR1000 GS1000/1100
                    '78 GS1000C/1100


                      Originally posted by Chuck78 View Post
                      (2 cylinders would drop out due to the 1-3 pickup module failing),...
                      I see a problem there, and it's not ignition-related.

                      One module is used for 1-4 the other for 2-3.

                      If you have one wired for 1-3, it's not the module's fault.

                      mine: 2000 Honda GoldWing GL1500SE and 1980 GS850G'K' "Junior"
                      hers: 1982 GS850GL - "Angel" and 1969 Suzuki T250 Scrambler
                      #1 son: 1986 Yamaha Venture Royale 1300 and 1982 GS650GL "Rat Bagger"
                      #2 son: 1980 GS1000G
                      Family Portrait
                      Siblings and Spouses
                      Mom's first ride
                      Want a copy of my valve adjust spreadsheet for your 2-valve per cylinder engine? Send me an e-mail request (not a PM)
                      (Click on my username in the upper-left corner for e-mail info.)


                        Ahhhh yes, late night slip-up! The 1-4 module died on me. I have read of numerous people having that problem, so the PAMCO seemed like a great solution
                        '77 GS750 920cc heavily modded
                        '97 Kawasaki KDX220R rugged terrain ripper!
                        '99 Kawasaki KDX220R​ rebuild in progress
                        '79 GS425stock
                        '77 Suzuki PE250 woods racer
                        '77 GS550 740cc major mods
                        '77 GS400 489cc racer build
                        '76 Rickman CR1000 GS1000/1100
                        '78 GS1000C/1100


                          I got an email from Pete in June of last year saying he was discontinuing the GS line due to lack of sales. This was only about 5 months after initially offering it up for sale so I was quite surprised.

                          I didn't quite understand why exactly, since the board itself was *identical* to the CB750 board and the only difference was in the height of the rotor. The GS rotor required a small counter bore on top compared to the Honda rotor but that was all. Some GS models required a different counter bore depending on the advancer/ignition type (KD or ND) and year but that was the easy part.

                          I think mostly he was just so busy selling XS650 kits he saw the GS as a distraction since interest seemed so low but it takes time to make people aware and build your brand.

                          You could still buy a CB750 system and easily modify it (if even necessary) to work on a GS. A drill press and large bit would make quick work of the counter bore. I attached a pic of mine for reference.


                            Interested in adapting this to my fuel injection project; PM sent.


                              I bought the CB750 version of this to try on my GS1000G fuel injection project. It physically fits, but the placement of the magnets is problematic. When I checked it with a timing light, the dwell is too long (the first magnet triggers the coils, and the second one turns them off), and they do not line up for the required 17 BTDC timing.

                              Additionally, when I emailed the vendor for some tech info, I never got a response.

                              It's a good concept, but not workable on my bike.

