What bothers me is this. I looked up the factory tool and it's discontinued of course. I saw that three parts make up the gauge. Two parts are called fittings and the other a "gauge body". The larger fitting pictured would be the bowl drain screw replacement. The smaller fitting would screw into the large one and the tube/gauge body slips over the small fitting I assume. The smaller fitting is discontinued I'm told by the local Suzuki dealer, so assembling a factory tool is out of the question. OK.
What I don't understand is that the small fitting has an asterisk by it saying "specific to GS1000". How could this fitting be ONLY for the 1000 when several models use the same VM 26 carbs with identical drain screws? These models also have the same float level requirements.
This just gets me to wondering how exact the home made gauge must be to be accurate?
It brings up the questions of:
Does the I.D. of the fitting somehow effect the level you see in your tubing?
Does the tubing have to be the same exact I.D. as the factory tool?
The factory tool also has level marks along the body/tubing that are supposed to be aligned with a specific part of the carb body. Ours would not have that, and so, does it matter how long the piece of tubing you use is and does the bend or dip the tubing takes on effect an accurate read?
You would think that any size/length tubing or any fitting would work, no matter how simple. Wouldn't the level in the hose accurately show/reflect the bowl level?
The factory also says the tool must be located at a very specific location against the carb body. I don't see why it has to be at an exact location, though it's easy enough to follow that.
If location alone can give inaccurate results, it brings up the previous questions and how the reads may be inaccurate if the tool you made differs in any way from the factory tool.
I was thinking of just taking a spare bowl drain screw, drilling it out and installing a 3/16" tube into the hole and sealing it.
I'd like to make the tool but you guys know me, I'm anal about this stuff and wonder about accuracy. Any thoughts/experience appreciated.