In my forum search, I keep turning up Berrymans or whatever it is from the US, but that doesn't seem to be an option for us here in Aus.
Googling reveals many different types of spray type carby cleaners, but everytime something is mentioned in a forum or whatever about a dip type cleaner, the answer inevitably comes back with Yamalube or Gunk carb cleaner, and both seem to be discontinued or rare as hens teeth.
So, while I haven't started scouring the local auto shops yet, it's looking more and more like I will have to improvise unless someone has a carb cleaner source...
So, anyone have any tips on where I could locate a good dip type carby cleaner or can anyone suggest an alternative concoction that would work as well?
I'll be dismantling the carbs in the next week or two hopefully and they will definitely need a good clean as they've been sitting for 9 years now and guaranteed they will have rotten fuel in them that has clogged them.
I have Mr Robert Barr's O rings ready to go and new float chamber gaskets I picked up today, so the only things I'm missing is cleaner and a visit to a bolt shop to get some shiny new allen head stainless bolts to replace the dodgy philips screws.
Any tips would be greatly appreciated, and apologies if I've missed something in my forum search, but there were so many threads and posts returned I won't be surprised if I missed something...