So I got an old GS650GL set of pipes, headers and cans, but someone had already hacked off the ends of the cans to make them "open"

this produces a megaphone effect that is f'n loud!!!

anyway, I have finally cut all the can section off and added on a set of harley aftermarket add-ons (I can only assume they are after market, but they are hardley) they are the ones that open flat off the sides. (top left of pic)

I got it all together, and some makeshift hangers on them. I cut slots in the ends of my header set,

then the inner pipe fit into the hardley pipes, with them then fitting inside of the chromed section of my header set. with the hardley clamp I was able to stuff it all together in a fairly solid fashion.
however I am in no way under the impression I have a solid seal there, it will leak as is, but I will deal with that eventually.
When I ride it sounds good, maybe a little louder than I want still, but in a good way. It does however backfire and pop a lot on deceleration, it does this slightly with the OEM pipes, but much less so and softer of course...
I can only imagine that these pipes will have more air flow, leading to a lean condition in general but ...
here is the big question: what sort of damage will I possibly do to the engine if I run this way for too long?
I've gone to great lengths to protect my baby, being able to fully restore her to original condition. I don't really care if these pipes blue, or really what happens to them, but I don't want to actually damage the engine...
also, if anyone has any suggestions on maybe packing these new pipes to reduce the flow and sound just a little, bring em on!? I'd like to get a volunteer or two to listen to it and tell me if I'm being obnoxious too.
thanks everyone!!!