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82 gs650l ...

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    82 gs650l ...

    Hi everyone, im new to this site and kind of new to grease monkeying around...

    2 questions...

    today i pulled the gas tank...took off the main fuel line, and the vent line directly on the fuel valve. also disconnected the electrics... pulled the tank and noticed a long tube coming out of it. is that a vent tube? best i can tell it was not connected to anything.

    all i have at the moment is clymers (sucks!) and it did not reference is attached to the same piece at the electrical wiring which i assume is the fule guage.

    i drained the tank, put it back on, appears to be good . no sign of leaks yet
    but i wanted to be sure.

    if you have any pictures that would help.

    also, are the fuel valves on these damn things supposed to be so hard to move? is that a sign of internal corrosion or anything?


    The long hose is a drain, in case the fuel level sender leaks, it goes safely down this tube under the bike instead of dripping gasoline onto a hot engine right next to an ignition source right between your legs. The hose goes onto a nipple on that brass colored cover over the fuel sender, the other end hangs down betwen the engine and the swingarm.

    The petcock is supposed to be easy to move. Maybe it's corroded inside, maybe it's just dirty. It probably doesn't work right anymore anyway.

    Life is too short to ride an L.


      tkent, thanks.
      so i will make the drain as straight and close to the ground as i can (while avoiding the hot engine between mine legs....hah...laughing as i type that)
      if you have any pictures of this that would be great...based on what you said, i think ive got it hooked up right...maybe tomorrow i will zip tie the drain more direct straight down instead of anywhere remotely close to the bike.

      eta how much is a fuel valve for this bike?
      any good websites for things like this and what not ?

      i am coming from the old goldwing world and the GS stuff is still pretty new to me, as well as tooling around on bikes in general.

      thanks again.


        The drain doesn't normally see any fuel, it's only there if the fuel level sender happens to leak. Just route it to the rear of the engine however is most convenient. I believe mine goes over the airbox and then straight down where it is zip-tied to the battery overflow line.

        That Clymer's manual _should_ have diagrams showing where cables and wiring go, not sure if it will have anything on hoses.

        Here's a page showing where some of the other hoses and whatnot connect to:

        If you post a quick introduction over in the GS Owners forum, BassCliff will send you his legendary mega-welcome containing links to everything you'd ever want to know about fixing and maintaining your GS. There will probably be a factory service manual there too. (Also, we like pics!)
        1979 Suzuki GS850G

        Read BassCliff's GSR Greeting and Mega-Welcome!


          Originally posted by eil View Post

          If you post a quick introduction over in the GS Owners forum, BassCliff will send you his legendary mega-welcome containing links to everything you'd ever want to know about fixing and maintaining your GS. There will probably be a factory service manual there too. (Also, we like pics!)
          Here you go, a jumpstart toward your motorcycle education....

          Life is too short to ride an L.


            Don't monkey around with 30 year old petcock- just get new one for $50 ; there will be plenty of other stuff to fiddle with


            It's likely that this bike needs some/lots of neglected maintenance- Basscliff's site is invaluable to getting you started.
            1981 gs650L

            "We are all born ignorant, but you have to work hard to stay stupid" Ben Franklin



              Alright guys...
              thanks for the links.
              Okay so i think ive got the vent figured out. trying to attach a picture.
              i also have picture of the petcock reconnect.

              new problem. when i turn petcock to prime, gas leaks out some ports between carbs on both sides?

              is there supposed to a cover on those? they are difficult to get a picture of...when i touch them they seem to move.

              any input on those? why would they be leaking? engine flooded? how do i fix that?

              is there an off on the fuel valve on this bike? or is it just res/prime/on ? thanks again


                also fuel vent reattachment.

                was hoping to get this started today but not sure what this new leak is...time to ride the old wing

                seriously guys thanks for help, will post in new member section hsortly.


                  Originally posted by roguecreature View Post
                  Alright guys...
                  thanks for the links.
                  Okay so i think ive got the vent figured out. trying to attach a picture.
                  i also have picture of the petcock reconnect.

                  new problem. when i turn petcock to prime, gas leaks out some ports between carbs on both sides?

                  is there supposed to a cover on those? they are difficult to get a picture of...when i touch them they seem to move.

                  any input on those? why would they be leaking? engine flooded? how do i fix that?

                  is there an off on the fuel valve on this bike? or is it just res/prime/on ? thanks again
                  You need to rebuild your carbs. They should not leak.
                  Your off on the petcock is in ON or RES position. The hose you circled is the vacuum line. When the petcock sees vacuum, it allows fuel to flow. Otherwise, the petcock will not flow any fuel.
                  You fuel vent hose is correctly located.


                    man, carb rebuild?
                    i was afraid of that.
                    fun fun.
                    any kits?

                    so b/c the carbs are f'd they are leaking fuel? SOB...well good info, now i just need to figure this out

                    do they sell kits for that with this bike?


                      wait a minute... after looking at

                      it appears these 2 ports are also vents?


                        Yes. That means your carbs are overflowing.
                        You do not need a "kit" per se, you need to follow this: Carb rebuild guide
                        This is very common with the Mikuni CV carbs, we have all done it from time to time. Be sure and follow it to the "T", and do not attempt any shortcuts.


                          Fuel runs down fuel line, fills bowls up ( vents let air out so fuel can get in) and then the fuel needle valves are supposed to shut fuel off when bowls are full; In your case, there is something wrong with these needle valves- they aren't closing (enough) and fuel is overfilling bowls into vent hose area where it leaks out. You need to clean carbs correctly and get new o-rings ( do NOT buy carb rebuild kits, your current metal parts are likely fine.
                          1981 gs650L

                          "We are all born ignorant, but you have to work hard to stay stupid" Ben Franklin


                            Thanks again Tom.
                            There is one more thing I want to try. I have carb tune up cleaner...I am going to inject this into the carbs probably tomorrow and let it sit for 12-24 hours, then drain it and see if they move any more.

                            thoughts on this as a troubleshooting step?

                            another question is are there supposed to be tubes on the vent lines between the carbs? i see them in the links you guys gave me, but they were not on the bike. is it problematic if the vents are not on the bikes?

                            thanks for the input again.



                              Try carb cleaner,try animal sacrifices- it might work. But it's very likely that your carbs need thorough cleaning and new o-rings to keep fuel contained.
                              Those "t" fittings have hoses that go up and over airbox and just lie there- have a look here

                              1981 gs650L

                              "We are all born ignorant, but you have to work hard to stay stupid" Ben Franklin

