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seller on eBay: the_filter_king

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    seller on eBay: the_filter_king

    current auction

    Any opinions on the quality of these filters?

    quote the ad: "Hiflofiltro makes these filters and brings over 95 years of experience to the table. These will last longer and perform better than OEM and cost much less.

    Hiflofiltro? New one on me.

    22.95 good god that is insane


      for three filters? 7 bucks each isn't bad, imho.. not fantastic, but not that expensive.


        filters are $3.34 each at Flatout. O-rings are $2.97. 3 each comes to $18.93. Shipping would put the total higher than this auction, so I'd say this is a good deal financially. I can't speak for the quality though.


          Thanks for the replies!

          Yes, I'm fine with the 3-pack price but my main concern is the filter media quality.

          I found their site...


            Should be able to reuse the O Ring many times .. and if you order from FLATOUT when you are ordering something else anyway .. I assume the cost of shipping would be less ...

            Originally posted by Tom MLC View Post
            filters are $3.34 each at Flatout. O-rings are $2.97. 3 each comes to $18.93. Shipping would put the total higher than this auction, so I'd say this is a good deal financially. I can't speak for the quality though.

