I found the factory refurbished Magellan Roadmate 2200T GPS on sale at NewEgg.com for $100 after rebate, at http://www.newegg.com/Product/Produc...LAN-_-58191017. This is a rain-proof touch screen unit that includes maps of all 50 states, Canada and Puerto Rico. It does text-to-speech, but no Bluetooth. New map software is not preloaded, despite the product description; the database is about 4 years old. But you can get updated maps (along with 90 m. topographic maps of the US, the ability to accept higher definition regional topos for hiking and marine maps for boating, and an updated interface, which essentially turns it into the new Magellan CrossoverGPS 2500T) at http://www.magellangps.com/products/...=0&PRODID=1993. AAA members get 15% off the $80 update price and in general at Magellan (call AAA for the discount code). Until June 16, Magellan is discounting accessories, too. I got my motorcycle mount at http://cgi.ebay.com/Motorcycle-Bike-...QQcmdZViewItem.
The 2200T is recommended on the Motorcycle Cruiser website http://www.motorcyclecruiser.com/acc..._roadmate.html -- their picture is of a different unit, however. There is also a thorough review at http://www.gpsmagazine.com/2006/12/m...iew.php?page=1.
I've wanted an auto GPS for a few years, but couldn't rationalize buying one that couldn't also be used on my motorcycle -- and couldn't rationalize $600-$900 for those that I've seen that are intended for motorcycles. This GPS works very well, and I couldn't believe my luck in discovering this!