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BikeBandit is jerking me around.

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    BikeBandit is jerking me around.

    So I was riding down the highway, the clasp on my half helmet failed and off the helmet went as I hit a bump. Time for a new one, no big deal, I hated that helmet anyway.

    Ordered a KBC FFR, it was on clearance so I got a good price. I wanted to ride really bad so I paid for 2 day shipping. Placed order on the 19th, bikebandit says the order shipped on the 21st. When I go to look at my order, and click on the FedEx tracking number all it says is "Package data transmitted to FedEx" on the 21st. Called FedEx to check on the package, they told me they don't have the package, that a label was created online to ship it and that's it.


    Called bike bandit, spoke with the same lady three times today, she assured me the order shipped on the 21st each time, but the head honcho at the shipping warehouse was not at his desk the second time I called so she could double check. So she takes my number, and says she will call me when he gets back. I wait for about two hours, get impatient, and call her back.

    "Oh, I was just about to call you!"

    Sure you were.

    Something is going on, she claims the warehouse supervisor says that it has been shipped, FedEx claims they don't have it, she says if it doesn't get here by the end of the day to call back tomorrow. I argue that its already 7 and will not come today. I am told to wait and call back tomorrow. I'm getting irritated, of course the helmet didn't come because FedEx doesn't have the ****ing thing. In the hundreds of times I've used FedEx for personal and business transactions their tracking has ALWAYS been accurate so at this point I'm more inclined to believe them than bikebandit.

    This is not how you do business, for all I know my helmet is sitting in a corner somewhere unshipped. What was weird is I never got a "Your order has shipped" email. I've placed two other orders with them, and one had peice from an order had to be returned because it was cracked and broken during shipping because they package items like ****.

    "lawl imma toss dis here plastic peice is dis box and sprinkle some packing peanuts on it dats goods enuff"

    When I call tomorrow I'm asking for my express shipping refunded, or at the very least to only have to pay for normal shipping. I mean, I'm not trying to be a dick, I was very nice and understanding today but I am gradually getting more frustrated because I feel like I am being lied to. Is it too much to ask for to receive the service you pay for?

    edit: will update tomorrow with whatever happens
    Last edited by Guest; 07-23-2008, 11:26 PM.

    Call your credit card company & CANCEL the payment! Order another one from somewhere else & when they call you to ask "Why?" tell them you are teaching them a lesson about how you aren't one of the people in the world they can jerk off & nothing will happen! That's what I do when this happens to me! Ray.


      Well we are obviously paying for shipping

      And the biggest factor by far in shipping is timeliness. This generally far exceeds price variations due to distance. So when you pay extra you figure you should get it faster and when you don't then you have to ask why not or am I getting ripped off.

      I only (did) use BB when I want something fast as they are in SoCal and So am I. So UPS ground is usually 1 day so shipping should be as fast as you can get it short of having a Currier service deliver.

      The last order I placed was on a Thursday afternoon before Memorial day. That say the shipped ground that afternoon. It turns out that when BB says ground they mean either UPS or USPS. Well I get USPS and it takes till Tuesday to get out of San Diego (where BB is) and till about Thursday or Friday till lit finally shows at my door step.

      So I write an e-mail to BB explaining that I was very disappointed with USPS and would suggest that they provide the option to select UPS v.s. USPS because I would gladly pay the difference. They responded that they were sorry i did not like the USPS performance.

      I wrote back that I really was not so silly as to write BB to complain about the USPS, but that my main point to them (BB) was that they consider more shipping options in their service. I got no response. I think I also remarked that I really had no reason to order from BB if it took a week to get parts from within CA. That also got no response.

      You have to wonder how they plan to stay in business.....

      I recently placed orders for about $700 for a 1166 kit, gaskets and misc other stuff for my GS1100E, One particular vendor essentially watched virtually every bit of that sales total go away but right under their nose for a combination of reasons (cavalier delivery times, mis labeled product packaging requiring return and high price). They basically sent me away when I came to the door step with my wallet open.

      You must continue to shop around.



        With skyrocketing energy costs and the economy going down the toilet, most of these vendors would have you believe that business is booming. I don't see how this is possible when people are losing their jobs, their homes and can barely pay their bills. I've been told that people are restoring older bikes because of the high gas prices. I live in a large metropolitan area, I drive my car on the highway about 700 miles per weeks and I can't really say I've seen many older bikes on the road. I don't think I've ever seen a GS except for the one sitting in my garage.
        I think in reality most business are suffering and blaming their poor service on everyone else.


          Called today, talked to a gentleman who was very nice. He said the package is out for delivery, I called shenanigans because the tracking number I have says that they don't even have the package. I read him the tracking number the bike bandit site gave me and he said it was wrong and he has the right one. He gave me the new tracking number and lo and behold my package should be here today.

          Now why couldn't the lady I talked to three times yesterday have done the same thing?


            Mistakes happen. Totally understand you're annoyance, I would be too, but put yourselves in their shoes. Doesn't sound like there was anything sinister going on here. That said, I would expect a refund on the expedited shipping.

            I've ordered from them twice and had to cancel part of another order. The service I experienced exceeded my expectations and both orders were received a few days faster than I expected them.


              BB is supposed to be quicker than Z1, but I use Z1 whenever possible, because there is a lot of good technical advice available there. But I just had a less-than-positive experience with BB (see my whining rant in Motorcycle Discussion). But when they say they have an item IN STOCK, it should be in THEIR warehouse, and 2nd day delivery should be just that. I don't feel that they deceived me, but they certainly aren't upfront about the actual delivery delay when you place an order. It's just irritating.
              1979 GS 1000


                Originally posted by jknappsax View Post
                BB is supposed to be quicker than Z1, but I use Z1 whenever possible, because there is a lot of good technical advice available there. But I just had a less-than-positive experience with BB (see my whining rant in Motorcycle Discussion). But when they say they have an item IN STOCK, it should be in THEIR warehouse, and 2nd day delivery should be just that. I don't feel that they deceived me, but they certainly aren't upfront about the actual delivery delay when you place an order. It's just irritating.
                In MY humble experience, BB has NEVER EVER EVER been quicker than Z1. Not one single time. Not even when my part from Z1 was on back order. I like BikeBandit, dont get me wrong, but if Z1 has it, or can get it, Im getting it from them. Period.


                  If I order a part from z1 on a monday, Its at my door wednesday. If I order from bike bandit that same day, there package is at my door the following wednesday through friday. I ordered well over $1000 worth of stuff from bike bandit. But I just wait.


                    I don't know guys, I live in Maine, just about as far from SoCal as can be, and my shipping experiences (3 in the past 3 weeks) have all be reasonable. The PICK times, however, have been slow. This is an important difference. 2 days shipping does not mean 2 days to you. It means 2 days from the time it leaves them to you. BB even spells this out in their confirmation email

                    "As stated on the site, most orders SHIP within 3 BUSINESS days. For example: Most orders placed today with 2nd day shipping selected should arrive within 5 BUSINESS days."
                    But all that being said, while I understand that they are a distributor and sell things that they may not technically have on hand (like, say, most things OEM), it sure sucks waiting for a $300 order because ONE item on the order is being cross-shipped. I've had a project held up for two weekends for lack of half-moons because I also ordered the rear gas tank bolt rubbers, and they have held up the order. Yet, once the sent the shipping confirmation, they've been true to what I paid for. It'd be great to get an actual order UPS vs USPS shipping calculation on checkout like Z1 has, Posplayr is right,this is definitely needed.


                      I waited 3 weeks for a back ordered tire. Never once did BB e-mail or call to let me know the status.
                      I called BB for the 2nd time and they gave me the usual it should be here in 3-5 days..."here" means in their warehouse.
                      I asked if that was a guarantee or an estimate...the nice operator said "what do you think".
                      OK I said whats your policy on canceling delinquent orders...answer "after 20 days we automatically cancel delinquent orders".
                      Next question OK how long has this order been delinquent...answer after some computer checking, etc. 21 days.
                      Next question well why haven't I seen a cancellation notice so I can go order the tire from someone who has the tire in stock...answer would you like me to cancel your answer "what do you think"



                        Originally posted by Houdini View Post
                        I waited 3 weeks for a back ordered tire. Never once did BB e-mail or call to let me know the status.
                        I called BB for the 2nd time and they gave me the usual it should be here in 3-5 days..."here" means in their warehouse.
                        I asked if that was a guarantee or an estimate...the nice operator said "what do you think".
                        OK I said whats your policy on canceling delinquent orders...answer "after 20 days we automatically cancel delinquent orders".
                        Next question OK how long has this order been delinquent...answer after some computer checking, etc. 21 days.
                        Next question well why haven't I seen a cancellation notice so I can go order the tire from someone who has the tire in stock...answer would you like me to cancel your answer "what do you think"

                        Great answer !


                          Finally got the helmet, bike bandit refunded my shipped down to the normal shipping charge in the end.

                          While I am happy with the outcome in the end it is my opinion that it should not have had to come to this in the end.

                          On a happy note, I am very, very, VERY satisfied with the helmet and will be posting a review.


                            Part of the BB order I was waiting for was a stainless-steel-wool repack kit that was supposed to come with a #30 drill bit and replacement rivets. All I got was the mat. I called about the missing parts; it'll take 5-7 days for them to get the missing parts into their warehouse from PENNSYLVANIA! I LIVE in PA! Then it'll be 2nd day from CA BACK to me in PA! Their motto is "Get it fast! Get it right! Get riding!" Well it was slow, it was wrong, and I'm STILL not riding!
                            1979 GS 1000


                              Originally posted by Draketh View Post
                              Called today, talked to a gentleman who was very nice. He said the package is out for delivery, I called shenanigans because the tracking number I have says that they don't even have the package. I read him the tracking number the bike bandit site gave me and he said it was wrong and he has the right one. He gave me the new tracking number and lo and behold my package should be here today.

                              Now why couldn't the lady I talked to three times yesterday have done the same thing?
                              Probably three reasons: (A) She's stupid. (B) She's lazy. (C) She didn't give a $hit. There's a whole bunch of people that fall into all three categories.
                              1980 GS1100E....Number 15!

