The idea is simple: Dynamic centrifugal balancing. Anyone who's ever ridden with an off balance wheel knows how much it sucks. DynaBeads are small ceramic beads that you put in your tire, that constantly shift and adjust for the best balance possible. As the wheel spins, the beads are pulled to the outside through centrifugal force, and balance the tire with every rotation.
I'm a skeptic by nature. Everything has a catch, nothing comes without small print, etc. I was "forced" into using these as a result of not having a means to balance my tires when I was on a road trip and swapped tires for a track day. Let me say that 140+ has never felt better on my bike.
Not only did they smooth out wheel buzz on my CBR, I also got a ridiculous amount of life out of my tires. Anyone with a modern sportbike rejoices when they can milk 4000 miles out of a set of grippy tires. I got 6200 out of my Bridgestone BT003rs tires, and only had to change after I got a puncture in my rear tire.
I like these things so much, I've gotten re-seller approval from Innovative Balancing (Company that makes DynaBeads) to try and get more people hooked on them. I'm going to post in the for sale section if anyone's interested.