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D 404 tires ????
Originally posted by fatkid89704 View Post
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501's would be awesome, but they don't have a 130 wide rear.
I have the Harley 401's on my bike and they have been great. One of the best compromises between wear and grip I have found. Got almost 4000 miles out of it. The Metzlers definitely are a better performing tire, but I'm lucky to get 2500 miles out of a rear. That's a tire in less than an oil change.Currently bikeless
'81 GS 1100EX - "Peace, by superior fire power."
'06 FZ1000 - "What we are dealing with here, is a COMPLETE lack of respect for the law."
I ride, therefore I am.... constantly buying new tires.
"Tell me what kind of an accident you are going to have, and I will tell you which helmet to wear." - Harry Hurt
Einar J Skog
saw a post on KZrider that goodyear is on strike and tires are likely to be scarce. So if you need them, get them while you can.
Long story short, I ended up with a D404 (100/90-19) on the front of my GK with almost 7K on it. I've got one ordered for the rear and am hoping it sticks like the front does. I am replacing a Cheng Shin Hi-Max with 9k on it that probably should have been replaced about 1K back. I had a heart stopping near-miss deer encounter on the Fall Texas Hill Country ride and the D404 stuck like glue on a drizzle coated asphalt road. Plenty good enough for me.
PS. Front D404 shows very little wear.
Dunlope website. And GK tires.
Here is a link to Dunlop Motorcycle tire web site. It has a 'fitment' page where you can select make, model of bike, and it comes up with a couple suggested tires. Or can go thru the catalog and select tires by catagory such as Original Equipment, Cruiser, Touring, Sport Touring ectera.
Here is a link to Metezler
But thier fitment function doesnt list any of our GSs from the 80s.
A few observations :
- Dunlop has the D402, the D401 and the D591 for Harley (with HarleyDavidson on side wall) for touring, cruiser and sport respectivly. My GK has the D591s and are now worn. SO thats why I am looking. I would say the only thing I didnt like about the 591 on my bike is the lettering on the sidewalls. And I will admitt that about everytime I went into a curve I would think about the letting on the sidewalls, but I was thinking H-D as in big heavy but slow cruiser or tourer. That - and the fact that the bike was new to me, so I really havent pushed it in the curves too much. Now I see that 591 is listed as a sport tire, not cruizer nor tourer.
Also noticed that the K591 come in only one size for front and 3 sizes for rear (how many HD sport bikes can there be? har har har) but includes just what the GK needs.
- I personally have heard a couple very crediable recomendations for the D404 specifically for my GK. I have seen them listed in catalogs (JP ectera) as 'Original Equipment'. But I see on Dunlope site they are listed as sport/touring, and not listed in the Original Equipment section. Hum....
- The fittment function on the Dunlope webpage does have the GK and then comes up with the GT501. The GT501 are listed as sport/touring sport bias.
- THe 850G that I had for 14 years came with Metzeler ME33 & ME55, and I really liked them, I could push them hard and could feel the limit apporaching (or so I thought anyway, maybe it was more the limit of my scenabilitys, but I thought I could feel just a bit of squirming). Rear seemed to last a good 2 1/2 seasons which would be about 6 - 7K miles (maybe more, I am quessing, dont rteally keep track). Front last quite a bit longer. Very even wear on both, not scalloping, nothing like that. I allways replaced them with the same Metezlers and then Metz Lastertech.
I see in catalogs that the D404s cost about 50-60% of the Metzler Lazertech, dont know if the big difference is between the H and the V rating or what. But anyway the big cost difference is what has me looking into this some more, rather than just getting the Lasertechs again.
I need to look into this further, will reread people comments in this posting. ANy fiurther comments/recomendations welcomed.
Had 850G for 14 years. Now have GK since 2005.
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Ok, I see the 491s also called Elete I and II. The Elete I are raised white letter and the II are blackwall in radial and bias. I see that they are listed as "high milage and high load rating touring" and what the "GoldWingers have been waiting for". And they dont have the the 110/90 nor 130/90 but have MM and MU as the closest equvialnt size for what the GK calls for. So the 491 Elete II seem like a good alternative if you are concerned about mileage.
Had 850G for 14 years. Now have GK since 2005.
GK at IndyMotoGP Suzuki Display... ... GK on GSResources Page ... ... Euro Trash Ego Machine .. ..3 mo'cykls.... update 2 mocykl