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Originally posted by jeff.saunders View Post/! Highly recommended. I call.
Another happy customer here. The bast part is there close to me so that even things shipped by ground get here real fast.\\/
i did a test order if you could call it that of the feeler gauges and tappet tools for valve adjustments, was a lil worried when i didn't get an email confirmation, and like a fool did not write down the order number when i ordered. the items arrived within a week, which i think is great seeing as i'm in cali and they ship out of N.Y. also i hadn't read thru all the post hear so i didn't think of calling. i can say i would order again from Z1. i am very happy with them. thanks
Thanks for all the comments.
Just some comments about emails. Some ISP's implement anti-spam filters that are of questionable ability or set too aggressively. Check with your ISP and often there are 'white listings' exception lists where you can enter domain information to always receive emails from a specific email address or domain regardless of whether the anti-spam software suspects it is bad or not. Similarly, many PC anti-spam software packages also have an exception list.
UPS tracking notifications from the UPS QuantumView system get generated by any business shipping UPS using the UPS Worldship software (which is most small to large businesses use). It's well worth setting QuantumViewNotify@ups.com in the White listing, and of course z1enterprises.com
I've found comcast and bigpond to be two ISP's with over aggressive anti-spam measures.
If you ever struggle to get emails from a business or a specific domain, check these sites - http://www.senderbase.org/ http://www.spamcop.net/ they are some of the anti-spam 'gatekeepers'. Unfortunately senderbase (and some of the others) often report sites as a spamming sites when they are not. And they implement a 'guilty until you can prove you are innocent' approach to their lists.Last edited by Guest; 11-14-2008, 05:29 PM.
Here, here!
Mr. Chairman,
I move that Z1 is cool! Do I hear a second?
BTW, Mr. jeff.saunders, would you like to advertise on my little BikeCliff website? Not that you need it, but I'd like to add a little class to my site.
Thank you for your indulgence,
Colin Green
Second seconder... Lol
I have experienced some difficulty with email communication (I may have to change my addy) I phoned and spoke to Jeff. He was very helpful, especially with ordering parts in (lots of sales people I've dealt with can't be bothered going out of their way). Have purchased three times and had fast and fair shipping (boy! shipping can vary from place to place). In fact I have just piggy backed a brake line order on Psyguys order.
We kiwi's are very happy with Z1 Cheers Jeff
My chain has done its 20,000 miles and it’s adjusted well beyond the limits, so I decided to call Jeff at Z1 Enterprises to get what I need to do the 630 to 530 conversion.
After one conversation with the guy, I’m somehow convinced that money given to him is money well-spent…..incredibly friendly, helpful, knowledgeable and all."When I give food to the poor, they call me a saint. When I ask why they are poor, they call me a communist." Bishop Helder Camara
"Beware of the man with only one gun. He probably knows how to use it."
82 GS1100E....black w/WC fairing and plenty o corrosion and low levels of attention
They have treated me great. Great, prompt and consistant service.
Z1 is A1 in my book.
Have to bump this, I placed an order with Z1 about noon on Monday, and received my 5 shims, and 4 spark plugs, on Wed. It makes me wish I didn't waste the whole day on Saturday running around town looking for shims, when everyone says, here ya go, and I break out my digital Caliper and say. "these are 29mm, I need 29.5mm. Oh well, what sucks is I am heading out of town for the weekend, and won't be able to test the new parts.......Shucks......next week!!!!!
More props for Z1. Ordered a speedo cable on Monday and it was in my hands on Wednesday, coast to coast. Have ordered several times from them and the prices are good and turnaround is awesome!
Another very satisfied customer from this side of the pond. Beats me that the postage is often quicker coming from the US as well.
Nice one Jeff!79 GS1000S
79 GS1000S (another one)
80 GSX750
80 GS550
80 CB650 cafe racer
75 PC50 - the one with OHV and pedals...
75 TS100 - being ridden (suicidally) by my father
Ordered a clutch cable from them on 9/21 and received it on 9/23. Very satisfied with service.
I ordered some parts from Z1 as the prices were excellent and they had all I wanted. Order arrived on time and all parts were correct and worked as they should. I will definitely use them again.