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    Originally posted by Robert View Post
    Hello, I have an 1982 GS1100G and I am looking forward to the wisdom that I can get from this site. Thanks for the add
    Welcome to the GSR.

    1100G. You will want to learn about the drive hub (called joint asmbly on microfische) in the rear wheel.

    1970s - 1980s GS You will want to have a volt-ohm meter.

    Originally posted by Robert View Post
    Ok, I am not getting any spark. This happened to me 3 years ago and I replaced the voltage regulator and it took care of it. Do the voltage regulators on these bikes go bad often?
    Yes, and the stator.

    Yes, if voltage is low at the coils or ignitor the system doesnt produce sparks.

    Welcome to the GSR.

    Last edited by Redman; 02-01-2025, 06:49 PM.
    Had 850G for 14 years. Now have GK since 2005.
    GK at IndyMotoGP Suzuki Display... ... GK on GSResources Page ... ... Euro Trash Ego Machine .. ..3 mo'cykls.... update 2 mocykl


      You wouldn't have a link for a good source of those would you?
      I thought that the igniter might be bad and bought a used one on fleabay but it made no difference and I returned it.


        Robert do you have a DVM, or volt meter?
        Bob T. ~~ Play the GSR weekly photo game: Pic of Week Game
        '83 GS1100E ~ '24 Triumph Speed 400 ~ '01 TRIUMPH TT600 ~ '67 HONDA CUB


          Originally posted by Baatfam View Post

          Correct me if I am wrong, Roger, but as long as the battery has enough juice, he should get spark? Whether the regulator is working or not?

          Do we have a battery voltage measurement?
          Bob, I'm sure you've forgotten more about these bikes than I'll ever know.

          I can comment on the regulators frequently crapping out from personal experience on three of my GS's over the years and the countless others I've read about. Whether those were dirty grounds or faulty design, I'll never know at this point. With my 850 wired the way I have it, yes, with a good battery I should have spark even if the reg/rec pooped out.

          '83 GS850G Daily rider
          '82 GS1100GK Work in (slow) progress


            Well, my battery is good, but no spark. The coils are only a few years old too. Puzzling.


              Originally posted by Robert View Post
              Well, my battery is good, but no spark. The coils are only a few years old too. Puzzling.
              In discussing and troubleshooting electrical problems we need to be discussing voltages... voltages at specific places.... battery, ignition fuse, ignition coils....

              You have a volt-ohm meter (some call multimeter)?

              My first suspect is low voltage at the coils (the org/wht wire). If low there, much below 10volts, then question is if the voltage low to start with (battery-charging system) or if are loosing it thru bad connections along the way or the ignition key swtich or ignition fuse. Ah, can not trouble shoot electrical problems with your eyeballs.

              Had 850G for 14 years. Now have GK since 2005.
              GK at IndyMotoGP Suzuki Display... ... GK on GSResources Page ... ... Euro Trash Ego Machine .. ..3 mo'cykls.... update 2 mocykl



                Yes, I have a volt meter and a spark tester. Unfortunately I don't have a garage and we are in for some rain until late next week. So more voltage testing will have to wait. Thanks for your help. This seems like a nice site.


                  Welcome Robert! I also have an 82 1100G (the K model). My fav bike I've ever owned!

                  This site has TONS of resources and helpful folks and has been a huge help! One thing I'll say is check that rear wheel hub spline (in the wheel). That is a specific issue for that bike. I just replaced mine in the knick of time.

                  Cant wait to see some pics!


                    Well, I solved the no spark issue. A while back I was installing new fuel lines and had the tank raised for access and when I did that I accidentally pulled off the connector to the #1 coil but didn't notice because I was focused on the new fuel line. It's always something.


                      Please check the newbie mistakes thread linked in my signature. It will help you know some things to be aware of, and avoid.

                      To measure is to know.

                      Mikuni O-ring Kits For Sale...

                      Top Newbie Mistakes thread...

                      Carb rebuild tutorial...

                      KZ750E Rebuild Thread...


                        I was wondering if this site has a presence on any of the social media sites? I have seen a number of vintage Suzuki sites.


                          There is a Facebook page moderated by marvinsc Scott Marvin. But I don’t believe there’s any official tie between this forum and His FB page. Scott will correct me if I’m wrong.
                          Log into Facebook to start sharing and connecting with your friends, family, and people you know.
                          1982 GS 750TZ
                          2015 Triumph Tiger 1200

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                          Destroy-Rebuild 750T/ Destroy-Rebuild part deux


                            Thanks, I asked to join up.


                              Explore Robert Kerry’s photo on Flickr!


                                Better late than never I guess.

