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what did you wrench on today??
Originally posted by ndaugbjerg View Post1982 GS450E - The Wee Beastie
1984 GSX750S Katana 7/11 - Kit Kat - BOTM May 2020
450 Refresh thread: https://www.thegsresources.com/_foru...-GS450-Refresh
Katana 7/11 thread: http://www.thegsresources.com/_forum...84-Katana-7-11
Started on my firing on one cylinder elimination project tonightI really hate intermittent electrical issues...
So far the tank is off, coils out, and cable ties removed to free all the wiring up so I can get at the Dynatek and coil wires:
The Dynatek wiring harness is probably an inch or two shorter than it could be (not designed for the 450), so I'm wondering if I've pulled it around too much while putting the coils in and out and there's just a dodgy connection to one of the terminals for the coils.
So the plan is to add a short harness from each coil to meet back to the main harness, but to add a four way plug to the main harness so the Dynatek harness meets the main harness rather than having to stretch all the way to the coils.
I got the coil side done tonight:
I've used the alternate male/female connectors on the coils so there's an obvious left/right coil, and you can see the extra yellow lead on the left coil which is the RPM pickup for the Acewell gauge, and I have added another two pin plug on the right coil (only one pin in use) to make it easy to hookup my planned wideband AFR meter once I get it organised.1982 GS450E - The Wee Beastie
1984 GSX750S Katana 7/11 - Kit Kat - BOTM May 2020
450 Refresh thread: https://www.thegsresources.com/_foru...-GS450-Refresh
Katana 7/11 thread: http://www.thegsresources.com/_forum...84-Katana-7-11
DAMN ITTTTTTTTTTT. I knew I had a problem on way to work, it was fine when I took off this morning and made a stop. I was about halfway there (30~ miles out) and noticed the gear indicator getting dim. Uh oh...
I turned off the headlight and rode the rest of the way to work. I made it to the offramp and the strain from the tail light was too much and it died. I pulled in the clutch and coasted onto the sidewalk.
IDFBY&#&G#*^&^!!!!! I had to push it a 1/2 mile on the sidewalk to work. I am praying its not the stator AGAIN. I just replaced it less then a 1,000 miles ago.
It died on the same offramp I got rear ended on, I'm sure its cursed. Thankfully we have a multimeter at work so it's time to check things again. FML.
Hopefully it's just a simple short or something due to the rear-ending and it'll be easy-peasy to fix. Good luck!
Originally posted by Toasty View PostDAMN ITTTTTTTTTTT. I knew I had a problem on way to work, it was fine when I took off this morning and made a stop. I was about halfway there (30~ miles out) and noticed the gear indicator getting dim. Uh oh...
I turned off the headlight and rode the rest of the way to work. I made it to the offramp and the strain from the tail light was too much and it died. I pulled in the clutch and coasted onto the sidewalk.
IDFBY&#&G#*^&^!!!!! I had to push it a 1/2 mile on the sidewalk to work. I am praying its not the stator AGAIN. I just replaced it less then a 1,000 miles ago.
It died on the same offramp I got rear ended on, I'm sure its cursed. Thankfully we have a multimeter at work so it's time to check things again. FML.
UGHHH, it's the stator.
Between the legs: OL, 0.9, OL
Ground and legs: OL, 0.3, 0.6
How the heck is this even possible??? It's virtually brand new... I know it's getting oil because it had oil in the cover when I took the old one out. I replaced all the old bullet connectors with higher quality ones, cleaned the grounds and put dielectric grease on everything. The Shindingen R/R was good at the time. This sucks.
I tried testing the r/r but this multimeter gives weird diode readings.
Cleaned the Snot Nose on the 850
I put the 850 away last fall with a nasty set of leaks. Breather gasket, tach seals, and left front half moon, all leaking and dripping crap all over the front of the engine. NO GOOD.
Spent last night in the garage until 3:45am, replacing parts and cleaning things up a little.
Test fit the Virago tank this morning.
Aside from new tank mounts Im gonna have to find some low profile manual petcocks. The stock ones are too big and hit the valve cover. Should look pretty good with a matching cafe seat. Its also sooo much more comfortable then the stock tank because you have something to grab onto with your legs.Last edited by Guest; 06-09-2012, 01:42 PM.
Eric, that's fantastic! Love it
As for me... I finished up redoing the coil and Dynatek connections and got the 450 all back together. No test ride yet but spark on both sides which is always a good start... Fingers crossed the issue is resolved permanently!
Then I worked out that the idiot PO of the drill press my dad bought for me put one of the pulleys on upside down and then I discovered the belt that's on there is either stretched or too long... need to find a new one.
Then I got a bit more cleaning up done with the Cucciolo.1982 GS450E - The Wee Beastie
1984 GSX750S Katana 7/11 - Kit Kat - BOTM May 2020
450 Refresh thread: https://www.thegsresources.com/_foru...-GS450-Refresh
Katana 7/11 thread: http://www.thegsresources.com/_forum...84-Katana-7-11
A guy from work came over and fixed the side frame bracket for my airbox again. It's in the right spot now and looks like it will hold things just fine. I'm letting everything cool down some (both on the bike and outside) before I reconnect it.
I discovered an oil leak is definitely coming from the front of the base gasket (EVERYTHING else up front is completely dry) as I'd cleaned that section up a couple of times in the last few months and yet it's still leaking there. I don't know when I will replace it but since I want to repaint the frame I might just do it this winter. I'm debating but I'll at least start doing the research.
Finally, during TCK's and my ride yesterday, I noticed a strange pop everytime I upshifted. Looked at the bike last night and found one of the bolts holding the number 2 pipe collar is gone. This was my problem bolt starting from when I bought the bike since tried to replace it with a stud 2 years ago; it wouldn't fit so I used the old bolt until that didn't screw in right earlier this spring and I could fit that stud. So, I'll find a new longer stud here shortly and just deal with the noise. Or, I'll wait until I do rebuild the engine and maybe retap that hole.Cowboy Up or Quit. - Run Free Lou and Rest in Peace
1981 GS550T - My First
1981 GS550L - My Eldest Daughter's - Now Sold
2007 GSF1250SA Bandit - My touring bike
Sit tall in the saddle Hold your head up high
Keep your eyes fixed where the trail meets the sky and live like you ain't afraid to die
and don't be scared, just enjoy your ride - Chris Ledoux, "The Ride"
Originally posted by steve murdoch View PostI wish i had known about "pods socks" before i left a bike in the damp garage under a cover for a couple years. The word stuck can be spelled in many ways.
There was a member that came on this site and offered his new in box K & N filters, these covers,
a filter charger kit AND a quart spray bottle of K & N filter cleaner for $120.00 with shipping and no one else was interested.
After all of the stuff arrived, I looked up the part number on those covers.
They are not cheap!And come in plenty of different colors.
I never would spend that much money on them myself but, with his "deal", they were free!
Went a long ways yesterday to getting a 850 L back on the road. I replaced the original seat with a Corbin off a Sporster and it now sports the gas tank off my 1100T. With pods and 4/1 I had to rejet and am not quite sorted out on that yet. Next is fork seals and break blead, then insurance and plates.Gustov
80 GS 1100 LT, 83 1100 G "Scruffy"
81 GS 1000 G
79 GS 850 G
81 GS 850 L
83 GS 550 ES, 85 GS 550 ES
80 GS 550 L
86 450 Rebel, 70CL 70, Yamaha TTR125
2002 Honda 919
2004 Ural Gear up