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what did you wrench on today??

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    Originally posted by BassCliff View Post

    I wrenched on nothing today. But I'm going to soon. My bike has been apart for almost two years now. Since the band's not so busy this season I think I'll be able to spend some time in the garage. Wish me luck!

    Thank you for your indulgence,

    Well about dam time!!! I've been waiting for you to finally finish your engine rebuild tutorial. LOL Glad to hear you're back.
    1980 GS1000GT (Daily rider with a 1983 1100G engine)
    1998 Honda ST1100 (Daily long distance rider)
    1982 GS850GLZ (Daily rider when the weather is crap)

    Darn, with so many daily riders it's hard to decide which one to jump on next.;)

    JTGS850GL aka Julius

    GS Resource Greetings


      Originally posted by BassCliff View Post
      .. I think I'll be able to spend some time in the garage. Wish me luck! ....
      Good to see you posting.
      Was wondering if was going to see the bike back together.
      Good to hear that you are getting at it.

      Had 850G for 14 years. Now have GK since 2005.
      GK at IndyMotoGP Suzuki Display... ... GK on GSResources Page ... ... Euro Trash Ego Machine .. ..3 mo'cykls.... update 2 mocykl


        New $48 petcock from Z1 for the 850L. Looks very close to OEM!

        2014 BMW F800GSA | 1981 GS850GX | 1982 GS750T (now the son-in-laws) | 1983 GS750ES | 1983 Honda V45 Magna (needs some love) | 1980 Yamaha GT80 and LB80 "Chappy" | 1973 and 1975 Honda XL250 projects


          A little update on the GS1000G. Replaced the worn-out old gauge housing with the new one:

          Original gauge housing:

          Newly acquired housing:

          Complete gauge setup and new center pad to finish out the 82+ Choke conversion:
          Last edited by JTGS850GL; 04-01-2015, 05:31 PM.

          1980 GS1000GT (Daily rider with a 1983 1100G engine)
          1998 Honda ST1100 (Daily long distance rider)
          1982 GS850GLZ (Daily rider when the weather is crap)

          Darn, with so many daily riders it's hard to decide which one to jump on next.;)

          JTGS850GL aka Julius

          GS Resource Greetings


            Changed out the front brake pads but I'm not happy with the bleeding so far; had to stop for the night so I'll jump back on it tomorrow night
            Cowboy Up or Quit. - Run Free Lou and Rest in Peace

            1981 GS550T - My First
            1981 GS550L - My Eldest Daughter's - Now Sold
            2007 GSF1250SA Bandit - My touring bike

            Sit tall in the saddle Hold your head up high
            Keep your eyes fixed where the trail meets the sky and live like you ain't afraid to die
            and don't be scared, just enjoy your ride - Chris Ledoux, "The Ride"


              You've done the same as mine, just have to look at getting the gauge faces redone, apparently they can be easily screen printed and made to look like new again. The tacho red line shading seem to always fade away to almost nothing.
              and it took me ages to find the right switch handle to keep the original choke setup.


                Originally posted by JTGS850GL View Post
                A little update on the GS1000G. Replaced the worn-out old gauge housing with the new one:

                Original gauge housing:

                Newly acquired housing:

                Complete gauge setup and new center pad to finish out the 82+ Choke conversion:
                Looks nice! Definitely on my agenda at some point.


                  Filters finally came in just waiting for this clearcoat to dry, can't wait to ride again it's been too long. Hope the exhaust works out. Just in time too I don't think my "it's too cold to work on the mowers/golfcarts/cars in the driveway" excuse is going to hold up much longer; scrambling to finish all those winter projects at work too. Waters not even back on yet and I'm slammed. Also realized I wired My Dummy Lights Backwards I Guess Green means oil and red means neutral now ><


                    Made up some some door trim to be installed later. More importantly (depending on who is asked), I turned some scrap brass into green cash to fund the needed parts to fix the cycle. Hopefully ill order the parts early next week.
                    Attached Files
                    When consulting the magic 8 ball for advice, one must first ask it "will your answers be accurate?"

                    -85 1150 es - Plus size supermodel.
                    -Rusty old scooter.
                    Other things I like to


                      The wood worker (I guess) in me came out today. I had to mount a mirror onto a burrow my G/F loves (her great grandmother's). Then I sanded some base board heater thingies so we could paint the living room... To me it's white now ( which looks allot better) but I guess it's called colonial white??? I'm painting a room and it's all foreign to me.G/F is an interior designer so she tells me what looks good and I do what I'm told... Lol pics to come... tomorrow.
                      Last edited by Jedz123; 04-05-2015, 09:29 AM.


                        This weekend I reinstalled my cleaned up coils with new spark plug wires, reinstalled my carbs and airbox, put a new fuel line on, finished the bracket for my mini speedo & tach, and straightened up my modest garage space.


                          Yaayyyy, I finally get to post in this thread.

                          The new shop is not quite done yet, but paint has stopped flying, so I FINALLY have a bike in the shop.

                          It looks a bit lonely out there, sitting all by its lonesome...

                          ... but I put some of the scrap lumber on a few saw horses, called it a "workbench" and started some work.

                          Have a Goldwing "thing" this coming weekend, hope to ride the GS there.

                          Last edited by Steve; 04-16-2015, 12:21 AM.
                          mine: 2000 Honda GoldWing GL1500SE and 1980 GS850G'K' "Junior"
                          hers: 1982 GS850GL - "Angel" and 1969 Suzuki T250 Scrambler
                          #1 son: 1986 Yamaha Venture Royale 1300 and 1982 GS650GL "Rat Bagger"
                          #2 son: 1980 GS1000G
                          Family Portrait
                          Siblings and Spouses
                          Mom's first ride
                          Want a copy of my valve adjust spreadsheet for your 2-valve per cylinder engine? Send me an e-mail request (not a PM)
                          (Click on my username in the upper-left corner for e-mail info.)


                            On Saturday, I bought a 2009 DL650 with 4600 miles. On Easter Sunday I stopped for gas while riding to NAPA to buy an oil filter and battery. Bike wouldn't start: almost dead battery. Ended up walking to an Auto Zone carrying the old battery. Bought a AGM battery, which they charged for about 75 minutes before I put it in. Bike started instantly.

                            Side note: I hadn't filled a bike battery since 2004. This one came with a 6 station funnel and a 6 station acid bottle. The funnel simultaneously enters all 6 cells. The acid bottle fits into all 6 funnel stations. The funnel punctures the acid bottle sections the same way as oil fillers used to penetrate oil cans. Neat set up.

                            “The greatest service this country could render the rest of the world would be to put its own house in order and to make of American civilization an example of decency, humanity, and societal success from which others could derive whatever they might find useful to their own purposes.” George Kennan


                              Went for a ride out with the bike club yesterday my volts were a bit down with heated grips and lights on, its still a bit cold here with a little snow on the hills !. So I thought I would swap my stator and rotor for a better unit, old red my GS750 has a 12pole and I have a spare 18 and rotor. The rotor was a devil to get off, all back on now and volts are better under full load at low revs .
                              My bikes 79 GS1000 1085 checked and approved by stator the GSR mascot :eagerness: and 77 GS750 with 850 top end, GS850g, and my eldest sons 78 GS550, youngest sons GS125. Project bike 79 GS1000N


                                Originally posted by uk gs nut View Post
                                Went for a ride out with the bike club yesterday my volts were a bit down with heated grips and lights on, its still a bit cold here with a little snow on the hills !. So I thought I would swap my stator and rotor for a better unit, old red my GS750 has a 12pole and I have a spare 18 and rotor. The rotor was a devil to get off, all back on now and volts are better under full load at low revs .
                                Hope you have a Series RR to handle that load.
                                sigpicMrBill Been a GSR member on and off since April 2002
                                1980 GS 750E Bought new in Feb of 1980
                                2015 CAN AM RTS

                                Stuff I've done to my bike:dancing: 1100E front end with new Sonic springs, 1100E swing arm conversion with new Progressive shocks installed, 530 sprockets/chain conversion, new SS brake lines, new brake pads. New SS fasteners through out. Rebuilt carbs, new EBC clutch springs and horn installed. New paint. Motor runs strong.

