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Riding Game

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    Pear Tree with Pears!!!

    Little duffer but the pears are coming in good!!!


      Here's a challenge!
      Acton shot in a large completely empty parking lot, I go and practice once a week now after my MSF classes to keep my slow speed and sharp turn skills sharp... Fully dressed of course.
      Grinding Foot pegs like a MUTHA!


        Selfies are severely frowned upon down here and my flip phone won't cooperate.

        I guess I'm out on this one, unless the old ladies up for a ride..
        No God, no peace. Know God, know peace.

        Eric Bang RIP 9/5/2018
        Have some bikes ready for us when we meet up.


          Ahh, this was captured with my Go-Pro on a stand. Then screen shotted the video footage after I brought it home to upload the media to my hard deive.. I placed it and forgot it as I practiced my MSF experienced rider cource excersizes as recommended by my instructors. Practice makes perfect, highly recommend everyone to practice slow speed maneuvers in an empty lot.

          I can grab a different tag if you guys want. I am no way condoning people to take pictures while ridding. But leave the phone or the camera in a stationery spot and practice those slow speed turns or have the pillion snap a shot.

          Like I said if its too difficult I'll grab another picture.
          Last edited by Jedz123; 08-16-2015, 02:53 PM.


            Since no one is responding, I say grab another tag.
            No God, no peace. Know God, know peace.

            Eric Bang RIP 9/5/2018
            Have some bikes ready for us when we meet up.


              Modular Home Factory, or any large factory that makes large things; campers, cars, houses.

              Connor Homes factory:

              Sorry for the first tag, didn't know it was going to be a hard one...
              Last edited by Jedz123; 08-20-2015, 11:09 AM.


                Wells concrete they build precast concrete panels for buildings. Some massive panels come out of here.

                Next tag is an abandoned grain elavator.

                This is the Mondry elavator in Ardoch,ND


                  So would Silo work? Farmers didn't use grain elevators in VT... The only placed I know where there are still grain elevators are still functional today.


                    Nice tag ! ! ! Those are getting to be scarce these days. I think I know of 1 or 2 like that one that might(?) be out of service. Just have to dust off the brain and remember where I last saw one, lol...
                    '83 GS 1100T
                    The Jet

                    '95 GSXR 750w
                    The Rocket

                    I'm sick of all these Irish stereotypes! When I finish my beer, I'm punching someone in the face ! ! !


                      Originally posted by Jedz123 View Post
                      So would Silo work? Farmers didn't use grain elevators in VT... The only placed I know where there are still grain elevators are still functional today.
                      Sure, if you don't have an elavator in your area a silo would work.


                        The abandoned part would be hard, the only thing abandoned around here is mines and mining towns. Excellent tag though.

                        Life is too short to ride an L.


                          Originally posted by tkent02 View Post
                          The abandoned part would be hard, the only thing abandoned around here is mines and mining towns. Excellent tag though.
                          Let let it ride for a bit and see what happens, if it's not taken in a couple days.


                            No, I didn't mean to change it out, I love the hard tags. The stuff like "A Grocery Store" is a complete waste of time.
                            That is an excellent tag.

                            Life is too short to ride an L.


                              Originally posted by tkent02 View Post
                              No, I didn't mean to change it out, I love the hard tags. The stuff like "A Grocery Store" is a complete waste of time.
                              That is an excellent tag.

                              Thanks, I guess I didn't view it as a hard tag. There's a few of then around here. I'm sure someone has to have one nearby


                                I have silos here in VT but abandoned ones are hard to come by... I've been on the prowl the last couple of days. Heading next to the lake today to see if I can't find one.

