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anyone go for a ride today? Pics?
Today's ride and stop by the lake. The stonewall done by a local craftsman and his brother. They do excellent work with stones gathered locally, but even though he is about my age, he looks like he's 80 all hunched over and weathered.
Put Sta-Bil in both bikes and went on a 10-mile loop to get it distributed through the system. Looked at the local auto parts megastore, the quart size of the blue marine formula is $30. Went to Fred Meyer (a local Kroger all-in-one store) and it was $18, less than Amazon. Then cleaned up the 3 fence sections that blew down in the storm yesterday and temporarily put up some welded wire to keep the dogs in. Mid 40s today, but not too bad. Kind of nice to get some rain and snow after last year...sigpic
09 Kaw C14 Rocket powered Barcalounger
1983 GS1100e
82\83 1100e Frankenbike
1980 GS1260
Previous 65 Suzuki 80 Scrambler, 76 KZ900, 02 GSF1200S, 81 GS1100e, 80 GS850G
one more pic of today ride on River road and Long Canyon edited by Guest; 11-20-2015, 04:25 PM.
Originally posted by trlsrider View Post
I can see the click-to-copy-the-IMG-code for each pic.
Let me post some of your pics for you.
(maybe I didn't grab the ones you intended)
>>missed this one
Let me know next time you put more pics there
(as much of a ride I went on today was to get the snowblower out of the shed and into the garage. Looking like could need it Saturday and SUnday.)
.Last edited by Redman; 11-20-2015, 10:14 PM.
Had 850G for 14 years. Now have GK since 2005.
GK at IndyMotoGP Suzuki Display... ... GK on GSResources Page ... ... Euro Trash Ego Machine .. ..3 mo'cykls.... update 2 mocykl
I am feeling really dumb, but it is so much better seeing the pics posted.
Thanks, and if you are in the mood, it is great if you post any previous pics that you think others would enjoy.
grrrrr....and maybe tomorrow I will finally get pic posts down.Last edited by Guest; 11-21-2015, 01:57 AM.
Originally posted by trlsrider View Post...
.... great if you post any previous pics that you think others would enjoy.
I think you are close to figuring it out (sorry I cant help more, I don't have any iPad experience).
I'll post a couple of my favortite of yours. I like the ones that show the bike and the road and the scenery, that give best idea of what the ride was like.
Last edited by Redman; 11-21-2015, 12:55 PM.
Had 850G for 14 years. Now have GK since 2005.
GK at IndyMotoGP Suzuki Display... ... GK on GSResources Page ... ... Euro Trash Ego Machine .. ..3 mo'cykls.... update 2 mocykl
Goferride, .... today?
30degrees, heavy wet snow.
THe start of what is suppose to be 4 to 7 inches today and tomorrow.
Could possibly see salt trucks... and then that is pretty much end of season for me.
Well, do go for about a 10 foot push.
Rearranging and cleaning things up in garage, so can get bikes in far back corner and side, and then can get car in.
< < heavy sighhhh > >
Okay, now you guys in the better climates need to keep us "shut ins" entertained with your pics.
I find your pictures entertaining and annoying. So that gives you a choice of those two reasons for posting.
Had 850G for 14 years. Now have GK since 2005.
GK at IndyMotoGP Suzuki Display... ... GK on GSResources Page ... ... Euro Trash Ego Machine .. ..3 mo'cykls.... update 2 mocykl