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anyone go for a ride today? Pics?
Tim Tom
Originally posted by Redman View Post
Originally posted by Redman View Post
Sunrize Highway at over 5000 ft elevation.
I passed two snowplows pushing back the snow on side of the road. First time I ever done that on mocykle.
Was about 60 degrees up there (mid 80s in San Diego).
Not able to get pictures of the best places, sharp curves going around side of mountain, rocks on one side and nothing on other side other than view of the valley and next mountain.
(I know, are bigger mountains other places.)
Also did not get any pictures of 5 and 6 lane highways with 3 levels of overpasses to get back into town.
Originally posted by lurch12_2000 View PostI thought your BMW was DOA awhile back?
Last February it stripped out the transmission input shaft splines and mating splines on clutch hub.
First repair estimate from dealer was about 95% the value of the bike.
THis is a somewhat common failure for the 1st (2002) and 2nd year of the 1150s (all models) , so most parts bikes are parts bike because of this failure, so good salvage parts for this failure are quite difficult to find.
I could yack about the various theories about the cause of this common failure (BMW never made any statements other than to cover if happened under warrantee) ... but need not discuss that here.
I almost sold the bike to a salvage dealer for $400.
But then did find good salvage parts (with help/advise from two BMW forums) and was able to get bike repaired for about 40% value of the bike.
Short version of the story is: yah, I needed a special tool to get it repaired, and that special tool was my credit card. ANd I abused my credit card pretty well.
Deciding if to ride it home this summer or next summer. Am leaning toward next year.
But then again, there is a big problem with this idea of having a bike in San Diego to ride when I visit them there.
And that problem is: I am not there.Last edited by Redman; 02-14-2016, 03:08 PM.
Had 850G for 14 years. Now have GK since 2005.
GK at IndyMotoGP Suzuki Display... ... GK on GSResources Page ... ... Euro Trash Ego Machine .. ..3 mo'cykls.... update 2 mocykl
Originally posted by Redman View PostYes, you recall correctly.
Last February it stripped out the transmission input shaft splines and mating splines on clutch hub.
First repair estimate from dealer was about 95% the value of the bike.
THis is a somewhat common failure for the 1st (2002) and 2nd year of the 1150s (all models) , so most parts bikes are parts bike because of this failure, so good salvage parts for this failure are quite difficult to find.
I could yack about the various theories about the cause of this common failure (BMW never made any statements other than to cover if happened under warrantee) ... but need not discuss that here.
I almost sold the bike to a salvage dealer for $400.
But then did find good salvage parts (with help/advise from two BMW forums) and was able to get bike repaired for about 40% value of the bike.
Short version of the story is: yah, I needed a special tool to get it repaired, and that special tool was my credit card. ANd I abused my credit card pretty well.
Deciding if to ride it home this summer or next summer. Am leaning toward next year.
But then again, there is a big problem with this idea of having a bike in San Diego to ride when I visit them there.
And that problem is: I am not there.
I am sure you have thought of it already, but what about renting a bike for the S.D. visits?Larry
'79 GS 1000E
'93 Honda ST 1100 SOLD-- now residing in Arizona.
'18 Triumph Tiger 800 (gone too soon)
'19 Triumph Tiger 800 Christmas 2018 to me from me.
'01 BMW R1100RL project purchased from a friend, now for sale.
Originally posted by alke46 View Post[/B][/I]
I am sure you have thought of it already, but what about renting a bike for the S.D. visits?
But a year and a half ago, it seemed logical and reasonable to purchase a bike there to use for 2 or 3 visits a year over the 2 or 3 years we would be visiting. And my s-I-l could use it on occasion, and my son could use it when he visits.
If I were to rent would probably only be for 1 or 2 or 3 days per visit, and with purchase would have for entire visit.
Seemed logical and reasonable to purchase at the time, but really was just excuses, .... nothing really logical and reasonable when dealing with passionate hobby-sport interest (as dpep often says). Real easy to convince ones self about anything.
Had 850G for 14 years. Now have GK since 2005.
GK at IndyMotoGP Suzuki Display... ... GK on GSResources Page ... ... Euro Trash Ego Machine .. ..3 mo'cykls.... update 2 mocykl
Took the Kat for a spin yesterday. 86 deg passing thru Salinas on the 101.
Normally that'd be 'great' ... but you'd really have to have your head shoved way up your griffin, not to understand that coupla hundred years of industrial revolution just. might. not. end well.
Sure was a nice day.1100 Katana / 1100 ES
pragmatic not dogmatic
What do you do if the roads aren't safe for motorcycling and the snow not deep enough for snowmobiling? Take the 4 wheeler out and have fun in the sun. I didn't need the electric winch today although sometimes in the woods it bails me out. It's only a 250cc but in first gear and with 4wd, it will tackle most terrain even with up to 6" of snow cover...and with my trailer it earns a living by hauling my firewood out in the spring and deer out in the fall on the racks.
Last edited by Guest; 02-18-2016, 02:47 PM.
Still can't get Connie out of the barn. Not from lack of wanting but too much snow.
The DR will jump out all day but have to be above freezing for me. Way too much ice on my "gravel" drive.
Doesn't look like you got much snow or it's all gone. Quite the change from when we lived in Pittsford in 00-04Doug aka crag antler
83GS1100E, gone
2000 Kawasaki Concours
Please wear ATGATT
Doug it's been a horrible winter over here... I'm in charge of the College's POS systems and sales tracking for all retail dining locations which includes our off campus units. We have a ski resort on the top of 125 in Bethel (Snow Bowl) and it is down nearly 50% in sales vs last year. We get snow, then it rains... Then it gets cold... And thats the cycle. Be thankful you have some snow your way, our winter is really hurting the economy...
So we still crashing your place at some point next year??? Would I live to hit the Kanc first thing in the AM.
Back to the bike today. The last ride on the SV650 before it goes off to a new home. What next?
loud et
All this talk of 650 big bore kits had me drooling. Had to take the 650 out for a spring like romp. It was 60° today. 3 days ago it was 2°
Hammered it down on some country roads. Took off hard from a stop sign and the tire broke loose on some wet asphalt in's ok when you see the wet spot but not when it's a surprise. Lol
Damn I really love the 650.