This is our closest ski area to town. In warm months they take mountain bikes and hikers up in the lifts. It's not even 7AM so nobody's here yet. I wish I had checked the gauge before coming up here! I swear it was at a half tank when I left. At least it's all down hill to the gas station.

After coming down from the Sandias a little micro brewery caught my eye. Still too early, gonna have to come back another time for a pint also leave the bike at home for that one.

I went North passing through Madrid which seems to be a regular route for me these days. On up into Santa Fe to see how their ski area looks.

Ok, this ride is developing a theme. Plus, the twisty roads up to the ski areas are a blast (if their clean!) This shot over looks the Santa Fe area. Too bad there's such a haze today!

I rode on further out of Santa Fe to Espanola and thought about going to Taos. Plans had been made to be at my parents house at 4pm so I actually had to plan out my route a little bit. Hey, Pajarito ski area isn't far, I thought! Just through Los Alamos and up some more twisties, woohoo...

After Pajarito it's a nice ride through the forest into the Jemez Mountains. I had never stopped at Bandelier National Monument before. Another dirt road, but a nice one so I went for it. Glad I did too it's such a beautiful area. Green meadows, tall pines and aspens. If they hadn't been burned by recent fires that is!

Another visit to the Valles Caldera volcano then back down the mountain to Soda Dam. People jump off of this rock into the breathtakingly cold water below. Not today though.

I took so many pictures but should stop there. The ride was aroundt 300 miles but took over ten hours. I'm trying to work my way up to making a 13 hour, 700 mile each way ride. One day each way. The bike I'm sure now can handle it so any limitations are on me. I'm almost ready for the challenge.