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anyone go for a ride today? Pics?
That is some beautiful country!! Is that color scheme something that suzuki did or is it your own personal touch. Its cool and I have never seen it before.
Forum LongTimerCharter Member
GSResource Superstar
Past Site Supporter- May 2002
- 44512
- Brooksville Fl.
Originally posted by 2BRacing View PostMy work schedule has been hectic lately, and somehow weekends have also been full of other commitments for the last 2 months. So today I took the day off and went to pick cherries in Ceres, a big fruit-producing area about 85 km from my home. When I planned the trip, I did not realize the temperature would reach 36°C today! Anyway, had a most enjoyable ride and picked cherries for the first time! [Sorry for the picture size, still learning new storage after PB].
Komorebi-The light filtering through the trees.
I would rather sit on a pumpkin and have it all to myself than be crowded on a velvet cushion. H.D.T.
Originally posted by 2BRacing View PostMy work schedule has been hectic lately, and somehow weekends have also been full of other commitments for the last 2 months. So today I took the day off and went to pick cherries in Ceres, a big fruit-producing area about 85 km from my home. When I planned the trip, I did not realize the temperature would reach 36°C today! Anyway, had a most enjoyable ride and picked cherries for the first time! [Sorry for the picture size, still learning new storage after PB].
Thanks for sharing!!
Originally posted by Boriqua View PostThat is some beautiful country!! Is that color scheme something that suzuki did or is it your own personal touch. Its cool and I have never seen it before.
Yes, the colour scheme is one of the standard OEM colours as supplied for South Africa. I tried to match those colours on the non-standard fairing (which was made here locally by a fiberglass shop according to the design of the Honda 900 Bol D'Or fairing).1981 GS850G "Blue Magic" (Bike Of The Month April 2009)
1981 GS1000G "Leo" (Bike Of The Month August 2023)
Thank you Jedz, I have always enjoyed your photos as well - especially the snow-laden ones! We never get snow on the ground here - only at the very top of that mountain in my last photo!1981 GS850G "Blue Magic" (Bike Of The Month April 2009)
1981 GS1000G "Leo" (Bike Of The Month August 2023)
Originally posted by 2BRacing View Post.......So today I took the day off ............ .......
Good to hear from you.
Great pics.
In imgur, the only setting I could find for photo file size upload or IMG code posting, was one selection to allow upload of over 4meg files.
So I quit looking and I edit photos to resize to 800 pixel wide then save as a differnt file name, then use that new file when upload to imgur.Last edited by Redman; 12-01-2017, 05:35 PM.
Had 850G for 14 years. Now have GK since 2005.
GK at IndyMotoGP Suzuki Display... ... GK on GSResources Page ... ... Euro Trash Ego Machine .. ..3 mo'cykls.... update 2 mocykl
December 1st.
My first official day of not going to work no mo'
Was gonna ride to a couple new disc golf courses about 20 miles from here.
Are both in areas that would not call "going for a ride", cuz is straight roads and getting into suburban Grand Rapids.
But was gonna take the bike, well, because I could, and make into something of a ride.
Had to wait untill 10:30 for it to get to 38degF, was hoping for 40, but wasnt going to wait any longer. Then got call from work that held me up for half hour, so then it was 40 degF before got underway.
Was nice to be out riding on a Friday morning, with no time constraints, and some recreational activitys into the afternoon, and then more of a ride.
Rode thru farm land and into suburbia to the one course, had picknic lunch sitting on curb next to bike in a park, then rode to the other course.
Took a little bit of a longer route home.
SOmehow it occured to me that December 1st .... hey, my registration just expired today ..... new tabs are on counter at home ....
So, yah, had something of a ride, was out for 5 hours, but not any roads interesting enough to warrant road side photos.
.Last edited by Redman; 12-01-2017, 07:05 PM.
Had 850G for 14 years. Now have GK since 2005.
GK at IndyMotoGP Suzuki Display... ... GK on GSResources Page ... ... Euro Trash Ego Machine .. ..3 mo'cykls.... update 2 mocykl
Oh.... did have a photo.
Could not find the 1st tee at this park, so I texted this to a friend that plays there.Last edited by Redman; 12-01-2017, 07:11 PM.
Had 850G for 14 years. Now have GK since 2005.
GK at IndyMotoGP Suzuki Display... ... GK on GSResources Page ... ... Euro Trash Ego Machine .. ..3 mo'cykls.... update 2 mocykl
Originally posted by Redman View PostBen!
Good to hear from you.
Great pics.
In imgur, the only setting I could find for photo file size upload or IMG code posting, was one selection to allow upload of over 4meg files.
So I quit looking and I edit photos to resize to 800 pixel wide then save as a differnt file name, then use that new file when upload to imgur.
Thank you for the tips on resizing photos. Don't think I have posted any photos since PB, so have to learn all over again!
Congratulations on your new post-December 1st "status"! I wish you many enjoyable rides and doing what you want to, when you want to!1981 GS850G "Blue Magic" (Bike Of The Month April 2009)
1981 GS1000G "Leo" (Bike Of The Month August 2023)
Originally posted by Redman View PostDecember 1st.
My first official day of not going to work no mo'
Was gonna ride to a couple new disc golf courses about 20 miles from here.
Are both in areas that would not call "going for a ride", cuz is straight roads and getting into suburban Grand Rapids.
But was gonna take the bike, well, because I could, and make into something of a ride.
Had to wait untill 10:30 for it to get to 38degF, was hoping for 40, but wasnt going to wait any longer. Then got call from work that held me up for half hour, so then it was 40 degF before got underway.
Was nice to be out riding on a Friday morning, with no time constraints, and some recreational activitys into the afternoon, and then more of a ride.
Rode thru farm land and into suburbia to the one course, had picknic lunch sitting on curb next to bike in a park, then rode to the other course.
Took a little bit of a longer route home.
SOmehow it occured to me that December 1st .... hey, my registration just expired today ..... new tabs are on counter at home ....
So, yah, had something of a ride, was out for 5 hours, but not any roads interesting enough to warrant road side photos.
EdGS750TZ V&H/4-1, Progressive Shocks, Rebuilt MC/braided line, Tarozzi Stabilizer[Seq#2312]
GS750TZ Parts Bike [Seq#6036]
GSX-R750Y (Sold)
my opinion shouldn't be taken as gospel or in any way that would lead you to believe otherwise (30Sep2021)
Originally posted by 2BRacing View Post
Did you sign the pic at the bottom or does Mr Jones work on the highway maintenance crew?Roger
'83 GS850G Daily rider
'82 GS1100GK Work in (slow) progress
Great pics 2B, and Roger, good eye.
Over the years, I've ocassionally spotted road crews' art work like that, the most memorable being a one eyed smiley face.sigpic
When consulting the magic 8 ball for advice, one must first ask it "will your answers be accurate?"
-85 1150 es - Plus size supermodel.
-Rusty old scooter.
Other things I like to
The wife and I went to a local Vintage show at Eastside Performance Motorcycles in Mesa. It was small and at the end there was maybe 30 bikes. There was free coffee and donuts and the wife managed to score some big giant glazed thing .. I dont know how she stays so thin at 61 or how she can drink that much coffee without ****ing herself but it must be a gift. I partook in none of that. I dont have that forgiving gene.
There was a variety of bikes but I would say 1/3 or more were old Japanese bikes. There were a couple of show stoppers but I wasn't embarrassed at the condition of my GS. Still needs some work on polish, cleaning and paint but it was presentable and it was fun to hear stories from people about their own GS's when they were youngin's when they came to check out the bike. That or their street races against those old GS's.
I of course regaled them with stories of everything I had done as if I knew what I was doing .. even though I learned 3/4 of it here. Gotta send in a paypal to support the place.
There was only one other Suzuki and it was only out there to sell ... it was a somewhat beat up 1100G. I asked the price but he wanted $3000 and it certainly needed a bit of love. To rich and It was a more modern one and I thought it was ugly.
Here is my Suzi in line
It was an unusually cloudy day early on. AZ gets about 350 days of bright sunshine so it kind of sucked that when I want to get some pix its cloudy.
There was a fair contingent of English bikes .. Maybe about 5 and I am an absolute sucker for old english bikes. Spent a good deal of time chatting with this gentleman who had a stellar example of a Norton Commando.
but the killer diller for me was this KZ. I started to take pictures but no one was near it to boast and when I got close to get a pic of the engine I noticed there was no oil in the window. Hmmm .. so I am pretty sure the shop rolled it out as an example of their work and WHEW it was AWESOME!
I dont even know where to start. Chroming was spectacular, they had some custom water jet parts, Paint was cool as hell, I was impressed with the little polished bits .. not overdone but nice touches ... but .. when I saw they jeweled the engine fins .. well I was damn impressed. Even the seat with matching stitching was a work of art.
There were maybe one or two other standouts but this one was over the top. I will be happy to finish my suspension upgrades and get my cases cleaned up. Well maybe not .. but slowly I am now inspired to dress up my gsLast edited by Guest; 12-02-2017, 04:32 PM.