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anyone go for a ride today? Pics?

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    I rode my 1000 for about an hour after I washed it, through the back roads, near the swamps, down to the St. John's river, temp's near 80. Someday I'm going to mount a video camera (which I already have) to it and take it out and see what it'll do.

    "The world is a book, and those who do not travel read only one page." :cool:
    '79 GS1000EN
    '82 GS1100EZ


      Originally posted by sedelen View Post
      I rode my 1000 for about an hour after I washed it, through the back roads, near the swamps, down to the St. John's river, temp's near 80. Someday I'm going to mount a video camera (which I already have) to it and take it out and see what it'll do.
      Wow Steve that is an awesome loking bike!!! Whats her story?

      Wow Steve that is one awesome looking GS!! What's her story?
      No signature :(



        Here's a video of my commute home last night (Monday 12/5/11). I hope you find it entertaining.

        I'm just playing with my cheap camera again. I'm using a new (free) movie editing program too, VideoSpin from Pinnacle. This is another ride home from work. ...

        It's another attempt with my cheap MD80 spycam and a new (free) video editing program from Pinnacle called VideoSpin. It does a few things that WMM doesn't. But it also lacks a couple of things that WMM does pretty well. Or perhaps I just haven't figured out how to do them in VideoSpin yet.

        Note: It's still uploading right now. It's a big file so give it a few hours.
        EDIT: (6:54am) Wow,it's still uploading. I guess a 1.5GB file takes a little longer than I thought. It's at 96%.

        Another EDIT:
        OK, as of 12:01pm PDT, it's up! Enjoy!

        Thank you for your indulgence,

        Last edited by Guest; 12-06-2011, 04:01 PM.


          Still no worky.
          Did your computer turn off before it finished down-loading?




            Originally posted by 7981GS View Post
            Still no worky.
            Did your computer turn off before it finished down-loading?

            Sorry about that. It was still "processing" and now Youtube says that they are "currently performing site maintenance". It's listed in my uploads so it should be available eventually.

            It was 45ºF for my ride into work this morning. The lowest of the season so far.

            EDIT: OK, as of 12:01pm PDT, it's up! Enjoy!

            Thank you for your indulgence,

            Last edited by Guest; 12-06-2011, 04:01 PM.



              My latest video is up!

              It's another cheap MD80 spycam video. This time I'm using the free Pinnacle VideoSpin editing software. I'm liking it a lot.

              Thank you for your indulgence,



                Originally posted by BassCliff View Post

                My latest video is up!

                I'm just playing with my cheap camera again. I'm using a new (free) movie editing program too, VideoSpin from Pinnacle. This is another ride home from work. ...

                It's another cheap MD80 spycam video. This time I'm using the free Pinnacle VideoSpin editing software. I'm liking it a lot.

                Thank you for your indulgence,

                Nice vid. Cliff,boy you really up against on the 10 fwy....although my commute on the 405 isn't much better if i leave around 5.....btw,i'm always leary to drive on that"special" lane,i spend in there as little time as possible fearing a puncture from all that debris accumulated there.
                Current bikes: '83 GPZ 750(shipped to Europe)and The one and only '81 GS 1000G,BOM 2/11.
                Past bikes: '84 MZ ETZ 250
                '84 Honda VFR 500
                '86 GSXR 750



                  yep got out for a ride after work. Sun came out for a minute and couldn't resist. Oh how I love Victoria BC! And how I love my GS!!
                  No signature :(


                    Originally posted by BassCliff View Post

                    My latest video is up!

                    I'm just playing with my cheap camera again. I'm using a new (free) movie editing program too, VideoSpin from Pinnacle. This is another ride home from work. ...

                    It's another cheap MD80 spycam video. This time I'm using the free Pinnacle VideoSpin editing software. I'm liking it a lot.

                    Thank you for your indulgence,

                    Cliff, you're making me jealous. My last ride was last Tuesday. I have heard rumours of 30+ weather coming by this weekend. Maybe I'll have another chance to ride.


                      BassCliff, You almost got run over a few hundred feet from leaving work, lane-splitting (even when in the HOV lane), managed to make it home in under 25 minutes.
                      How do those folks in cages not go insane? If you did the same commute in a cage, it would have taken you an hour and a half to do the same trip!
                      What is the dirt/enduro bike in the Man Cave?



                        Originally posted by BassCliff View Post

                        My latest video is up!

                        I'm just playing with my cheap camera again. I'm using a new (free) movie editing program too, VideoSpin from Pinnacle. This is another ride home from work. ...


                        Thanks Cliff.
                        Quess I started watching too late in my lunch break. Will have to watch again later to finish it.
                        I like your scenic mountain road vidios also. THose make me want to visit there. These vidios of the freeway ... ah, not so much.

                        Had 850G for 14 years. Now have GK since 2005.
                        GK at IndyMotoGP Suzuki Display... ... GK on GSResources Page ... ... Euro Trash Ego Machine .. ..3 mo'cykls.... update 2 mocykl



                          Hi Daniel,

                          Originally posted by 7981GS View Post
                          BassCliff, You almost got run over a few hundred feet from leaving work, lane-splitting (even when in the HOV lane), managed to make it home in under 25 minutes.
                          How do those folks in cages not go insane? If you did the same commute in a cage, it would have taken you an hour and a half to do the same trip!
                          Yes, most of the students where I work are oblivious, moreso than the general cager population. During normal rush hour traffic it takes me about 45 minutes to get home for my 15 mile commute. On the bike it's a little over 20 minutes. Pretty cool if you ask me. When I do drive (and that's seldom) I have to remind myself not to split lanes in my Astro Van.

                          What is the dirt/enduro bike in the Man Cave?
                          That is an '85 KLR600 that a friend gave to me. It just needs "refreshing" (carb clean, fluids, tires, chain, sprockets, caliper and m/c rebuilds, battery, etc.) but I'm kind of waiting on my friend to find the title.

                          And in keeping with the theme of the thread, here's my Jessie Blue next to the cart shed behind my office after faithfully delivering me to work today.

                          Thank you for your indulgence,

                          Last edited by Guest; 12-07-2011, 08:54 PM.



                            Originally posted by trevor View Post
                            yep got out for a ride after work. Sun came out for a minute and couldn't resist. Oh how I love Victoria BC! And how I love my GS!!

                            It is really beautiful up there where you live. That's a great looking bike too. Thanks for sharing.

                            Thank you for your indulgence,



                              Originally posted by BassCliff View Post
                              That is an '85 KLR600 that a friend gave to me. ... but I'm kind of waiting on my friend to find the title.

                              With that starting price, well worth tossing $4-500 at it including tires and brakes.
                              They also have a common problem with the compression release not closing that is easily remedied that keeps them from starting easy.



                                I went for a chily 35 mile loop today. I stopped to take a photo on a road "rumor has it" Steve Baker used to train on back in the day.

                                It would have been a beautiful shot with lowland fog covering half of Mt. Baker, with a glazed white peak jutting out into blue sky, but the battery was exhausted. I half expected that to be the case, but rather frustrating nonetheless. It was 35 and the bike didn't start in the garage, so I bumped it. First attempt locked the rear wheel in second. Running by the third house it lit up.

                                I wonder what the wind chill at 70mph is with summer gloves?
                                GS\'s since 1982: 55OMZ, 550ES, 750ET, (2) 1100ET\'s, 1100S, 1150ES. Current ride is an 83 Katana. Wifes bike is an 84 GS 1150ES

