Saturday, Son-In-Law suggested a ride... and I am happy for him to suggest something for us to do together, and better yet, suggest going for ride together. And he suggested a road that someone had recommended to him (DeLuz Road and others). I was thinking that maybe that road/area might not get away from suburbia enough, based only on my look at the map. He did not seem to have any familiarity with it either.
About to depart. 10am, upper 50s (8 am had been less than 40... with brighter sun and dryer air here, the temperature can rize quickly in the morning)

Well, I was wrong. In about 20 minutes we were out of suburbia, and into hills and canyons.
Got behind some traffic from time to time, but when that happened it slowed us down enough that I could sneak a couple pictures (waited until situation where traffic ahead was out of view around the curve)

Was great! Had a good 3 hour ride. Wanted to ride at least some of it back, but given the time and that we were close to the 15, we headed to the 15.
And found 4 & 5 lanes, full, on an early Saturday afternoon, stop& go 20-25 mph. So we split for a mile or so at a time, did that 5-6 times thru stopped or 10-15mph traffic, must have passed 3-4 hundred cars. About 10-12 miles up the road was a guy putting on his spare tire on side of road, then boom-zoom, everybody up to 80 mph.
THen on CA76 was lots of traffic backed up at lights, so filtered up at every light that was backed up, must have past a hundred cars.
Got back to do some other activitys with the family here, and completed our southern california day with burgers at In-N-Out.
De Luz Road, want to get back to that. Son-In-Law mentioned same. I said "when is your next day off?". He says, "Wednesday, Lets do that."