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anyone go for a ride today? Pics?

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    No ride for me today, too much rain, wind, and cold.

    Maybe tomorrow.

    Thank you for your indulgence,



      Got out today to try to find a pilot jet and go see my dad, put 150km's on since the rebuild now and touch wood no issues aside from jetting
      1982 GS450E - The Wee Beastie
      1984 GSX750S Katana 7/11 - Kit Kat - BOTM May 2020


      450 Refresh thread:

      Katana 7/11 thread:



        The skies cleared this morning. The roads were still a little wet and it was cold (for So. Cal. - mid 40s), but I was greeted with this view from my driveway as I rode in to work this morning.

        The storm that passed through last night brought the snow level down to 3000 feet. The San Gabriel Mountains just north of my house look lovely this time of year.

        Thank you for your indulgence,



          Rode in to work today. ~30F, but it's a short ride. Wore the vented leather, but jacket liner and sweatshirt underneath. Supposed to get up toward 50 today, so not bad. Warming the next two days as well - might have to ride tomorrow too!


            In the 30's but sunny at least. Pic is of the backwater of the local river. Getting cold as you see the ice forming in the foreground on the water's surface, but I had to try out the new gel seat for the Bandit that I scored on ebay!

            ...and what's left of an old home across the street. You do have to watch out between road patch and ice patches on the shaded routes! The one on the right shoulder is melting ice.

            Last edited by Guest; 12-13-2011, 02:36 PM.


              I really need to get out on a nice ride and take my camera with me...
              1982 GS450E - The Wee Beastie
              1984 GSX750S Katana 7/11 - Kit Kat - BOTM May 2020


              450 Refresh thread:

              Katana 7/11 thread:


                Dooo iiitt. I want to ride my bicycle i want to ride my bike ....... I want to ride my bicycle ride it wherever id like.


                  I went out for 100 miles yesterday on the B-12, it was warm enough, I wore many layers and the heated grips were on high at some points. The B-12 loves this cold weather! Lurch We need to get on the band wagon at some point and ride together!

                  However Today I worked on the 400X installing the new needle valve so the carbs wouldn't over flow, worked on the front brakes (shoes were glazed over) and replaced the rear shoes.. She's running great now and was pleasantly surprised to see her kick over on the first kick in the 30' weather! So I took her out for a quick 15 mile ride. when I got back she had a bit of an idle problem which I smoothed out. She was happy and peppy she too loves the cold! It was spitting snow all day so I didn't want to stay out too long. It was nice to get on the little GS, I think sometimes the little old bikes are more fun then the newer big ones. I posted a video after the ride.
                  Love it!! ride safe guys!


                    Yep, I got out on the bike today. Not very often that I get to ride on the 13th of Dec around here. I had a piano tuning to do 35 miles north, it was misty and 34*F when I left my house today and about the same when I returned. Further north it was cloudy, no mist or rain.
                    Here's a pict from my ride (also in the riding game)

                    It was fun, I haven't been on the bike for two weeks. I got some strange looks, and quite a few thumbs up, but I'm used to that.


                      Hi Dan,

                      Originally posted by DanTheMan View Post

                      It was fun, I haven't been on the bike for two weeks. I got some strange looks, and quite a few thumbs up, but I'm used to that.

                      Thank you for your indulgence,



                        Thanks to the riding game I got out today for about 65kms. 4 degrees(38).
                        No signature :(


                          Its not a GS but the weather was too nice to pass up the opportunity to ride this afternoon. Customer came in and asked what I was doing working on a bike when the weather was so nice so I skipped out early and hit the back-roads before the sun went down:



                            Last night after work I rode over to the music school where my daughter was having a recital. It was cold (43ºF), windy, and raining, but I made it.

                            Now I'll have to give Jessie a good bath this weekend.

                            Thank you for your indulgence,



                              I got out today 9 degrees and sunny!!! gotta love the west coast!
                              No signature :(


                                I wish!!!!!!!!!

                                Now I am going though withdrawals....

                                The weather has been really nice

                                No tiki no workie....

