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anyone go for a ride today? Pics?

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    Ouch. Bummer Scott. At least you’re OK.
    1982 GS 750TZ
    2015 Triumph Tiger 1200

    BikeCliff's / Charging System Sorted / Posting Pics
    Destroy-Rebuild 750T/ Destroy-Rebuild part deux


      Idiots in cages ... Sorry that happened, Scott.

      At least lots of folks are getting out for rides!
      "Thought he, it is a wicked world in all meridians; I'll die a pagan."
      ~Herman Melville

      2016 1200 Superlow
      1982 CB900f


        Creek bed photo is lovely, Scott.
        That stinks about the tip-over.
        No twinged back from hoisting that beast upright?
        2@ \'78 GS1000


          No, fortunately, someone stopped to help me pick it up. But I need to intentionally lay it down (on some cushions first) and practice picking it up. I'm going to talk to a friend about helping me with that soon.

          The right foot is a little sore from trying to jump off and out of the way while falling but otherwise I'm fine.
          Cowboy Up or Quit. - Run Free Lou and Rest in Peace

          1981 GS550T - My First
          1981 GS550L - My Eldest Daughter's - Now Sold
          2007 GSF1250SA Bandit - My touring bike

          Sit tall in the saddle Hold your head up high
          Keep your eyes fixed where the trail meets the sky and live like you ain't afraid to die
          and don't be scared, just enjoy your ride - Chris Ledoux, "The Ride"


            Try This.
            1982 GS 750TZ
            2015 Triumph Tiger 1200

            BikeCliff's / Charging System Sorted / Posting Pics
            Destroy-Rebuild 750T/ Destroy-Rebuild part deux


              I'm not sure the "grab another piece on the back somewhere" part isn't slightly problematic ...
              "Thought he, it is a wicked world in all meridians; I'll die a pagan."
              ~Herman Melville

              2016 1200 Superlow
              1982 CB900f


                Just got the shock rebuilt, installed and test ride

                IMG_20200610_210347588 by T, on Flickr

                My son came along on one of my other bikes

                IMG_20200610_210356405 by Tn, on Flickr
                1978 GS 1000 (since new)
                1979 GS 1000 (The Fridge, superbike replica project)
                1978 GS 1000 (parts)
                1981 GS 850 (anyone want a project?)
                1981 GPZ 550 (backroad screamer)
                1970 450 Mk IIID (THUMP!)
                2007 DRz 400S
                1999 ATK 490ES
                1994 DR 350SES


                  Attempted the usual 65 mile loop at 7:00 PM last night, walked the bike out in the driveway, turned the key nothing.

                  No dash lights, no neutral light, lift up the key slightly & turn it slightly, dash illuminated.

                  I usually just pull the choke plunger out, right on the carb, as I've never bothered to get the mechanism for the side panel choke knob & the other GSXR carbs I have a knob is right there as well.

                  Anyway, I just risked it, by rolling a wedge of paper towel under the key, wasn't thick enough, bike died, so I rolled a little more & off I went.

                  Great ride hardly anyone on the road at that hour.

                  I know the senior members will be scoffing about now, oh well, I take a closer look at soon.
                  GS\'s since 1982: 55OMZ, 550ES, 750ET, (2) 1100ET\'s, 1100S, 1150ES. Current ride is an 83 Katana. Wifes bike is an 84 GS 1150ES


                    A paper towel fix deserves a just a small case.....well done, macguyver.
                    2@ \'78 GS1000


                      The second strong cold front of our winter season brought some snow to the tops of the mountains around Wellington where I stay. Not nearly as spectacular as the snow scenes most of you guys get, but something special to us, as we do not often get snow on these mountains.

                      1981 GS850G "Blue Magic" (Bike Of The Month April 2009)

                      1981 GS1000G "Leo" (Bike Of The Month August 2023)


                        headed out to grab a couple hundred miles before dinner... Gorgeous yesterday though!



                          Originally posted by Jedz123 View Post
                          headed out to grab a couple hundred miles before dinner... Gorgeous yesterday though!

                          Hey Jedz, I would suggest not buying the Road 5 tires...I had the 4s and went to the 5s a couple of years ago when they first came out...they had 30% less wear and no real noticeable performance gains. I have gone back the the 4s...just put another set on...I get 12,000kms out of the 4s and got 8000kms from the 5s....cheers
                          No signature :(


                            Really?!? Thanks Trev! I'll price out the 4's than. I ran a couple rear 5's and I think your right as in they didn't seem to last as long. The 5's were never available for the stock 18" front T120 rim, going to the 17" front opened allot more tire options. I'll be looking around than.


                              Norway has gotten summer! Its like 25c and up (77f). I went to explore this dirt road, but it ended (the round sign means no entry). I was experimenting with how much I could lean it on gravel (not very much until it gets unstable). I rode around for a few hours, was planning on washing the bike but it took forever to cool down... So I just went home and washed the seat off.

                              I also changed the screws for the cylinder covers with the stainless ones (old ones were rusty and at least two of them were the wrong kind, one too short and one a flat head instead of JIS).

                              If this weather persists I am seriously considering going the 1000 km trip down to Trondheim, I am pretty sure that in nice weather I can do it in one day (about 14 hours). Id have to change the oil first though. But that is due anyways. I have a friend down there, and I could conceivably go to one of the mountains with walls of snow.

                              Its amazing how much less straining it is to bike around in good weather.

                              Also, can I scrape the footpegs on this bike? I can't seem to find any sensible place to lean that far (need to take it to the track), but it seems like it has way more lean angle than I actually use.
                              GS1000G 1981


                                Hi Noreg, is that a new bull's eye? I ask because it isn't riddled with bullet holes. LOL

