I crossed the state line at sunup.

Very little traffic on Thursday morning in Monument Valley.

I was zigzagging between Arizona and Utah for most of the day. Here's a shot overlooking a small part of Lake Powell from Arizona.

Shortly after leaving the Lake Powell area I got word that my daugher was going in for a C-section so I didn't stop for pics after that. By yesterday she was a week past her due date. Her water actually broke the night before, but it was not obvious that was what happened. Anyway, it was getting really hot, triple digits by noon.
Speaking of triple digits, the FJR is a phenomenal machine! I covered 570 miles yesterday. Made it to Vegas at 3pm. I wasn't worn out from the ride either. Good thing too since four of my grandchildren met me at the door what I arrived on Nellis Air Force Base in Las Vegas.
Coming through the mountains on I-15 near the Utah/ Arizona border has to be one of the most intense stretches of road I've ever ridden. Heavy traffic with most of it being big trucks, narrow lanes, no shoulder, high winds and everyone hauling azz. One of my most butt puckering moments on two wheels for sure. My tendency was to hang on with a death grip, tense up and lock my elbows. Not good! Had to fight that and relax my grip, bend elbows, breathe and just roll with traffic. I just kept thinking, OK, stay in your lane and we'll get along fine here.
Oh, baby Raven and my daughter are fine. Raven weighs 7lbs 5oz and is healthy, momma is recoving and they will likely be home tomorrow.