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anyone go for a ride today? Pics?

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    45 degrees at night and raining? Oh boy, I better ride a motorcycle 90 miles.

    A little-known fact is that the throttle lock is actually there so you can warm your hand on the engine before it freezes and falls off...


      Originally posted by Chaz View Post
      45 degrees at night and raining? Oh boy, I better ride a motorcycle 90 miles.

      A little-known fact is that the throttle lock is actually there so you can warm your hand on the engine before it freezes and falls off...
      and on an unfaired bike.....
      Must have been some occassion .....

      Man, you are doing a lot of riding for just having started.

      Last edited by Redman; 12-04-2016, 10:04 AM.
      Had 850G for 14 years. Now have GK since 2005.
      GK at IndyMotoGP Suzuki Display... ... GK on GSResources Page ... ... Euro Trash Ego Machine .. ..3 mo'cykls.... update 2 mocykl


        Originally posted by Chaz View Post
        45 degrees at night and raining? Oh boy, I better ride a motorcycle 90 miles.

        A little-known fact is that the throttle lock is actually there so you can warm your hand on the engine before it freezes and falls off...
        Too hardcore for me.
        Sure didn't take you long to get addicted to riding. haha.
        2@ \'78 GS1000


          @ Chaz
          Ride safe at night my friend LOL I remember the days when I rode my 750 in the old and all I had was damn EMGO fairing... That cylinder head saved me from frost bite a couple times I think.
          I can't imagine doing big miles on a naked bike.

          But I did get some miles on my TUX today!

          32' Brisk but took the Tuxman out for a spin!!!

          It was laid up for a bit as I chased out electrical gremlins.... FYI I cannot figure out how to install a Tachometer on this thing...

          Anyway... Tuned it up with the PC-V I think I got my map just perfect... The bike has a BUTT LOAD of torque now!!!

          But don't take my word for it, LOL Pictures speak 1000 words!

          1/4 liter fever baby!!! LOLOL

          Love my Tuxman SCR250!!!


            Justin, for the low $ tach, you can go the fleabay route. Like around $5 and wraps around the plug wire. Have it on the DR and it's good enough to set the idle.
            Took Connie out for about 20 miles today, just to try out my Hippo Hands. They make a big difference in the blocking of wind. That and saves me from putting on grip warmers this year.
            Got to tell you the TUX looks badazz. Nice retro/rat look to it. Seems like the pipe could work as a hand warmer for you.
            Doug aka crag antler

            83GS1100E, gone
            2000 Kawasaki Concours
            Please wear ATGATT


              Thanks Doug! I'll look into getting one of those tachs your talking about. I think I know what they look like. I only want it for tuning, the PC-V is a great tool for FI but without a tach its all (educated) guess work when you adjust the maps.

              Thanks on comments on the TUX! Hope to get it dirty with you cats at our next rally!!!

              Ride safe up there in the mountains!


                Did a short 80 mile loop with wet roads to begin, then torrential downpour, to dry roads upon return, about 46 degrees.
                Got stuck behind a semi with a full size excavator, touring on a favorite loop. Showed restraint in my early 50's, and followed.
                As I followed, I discovered a kink or something in the throttle cable. when I pulled in the clutch the bike was still moving forward at 2500 rpms or more.
                Pulled over, moved the throttle cable to the other notch of two, and it was a slop fest. My routing must be off or something. Made it home, the bike felt happy
                aside from a super sloppy throttle
                GS\'s since 1982: 55OMZ, 550ES, 750ET, (2) 1100ET\'s, 1100S, 1150ES. Current ride is an 83 Katana. Wifes bike is an 84 GS 1150ES


                  And the video:


                    Sunny day is running great! I had a little mid range stumble....the bike's air box lid was missing so I decided to put one on that I had here....and more stumble....smooth all the way to redline!

                    No signature :(


                      Odd how some bikes just LOVE their Air boxes... Similar issue with the TUX... Went back to the air box and a quick adjustment in the PC-V and presto the stumble vanished...

                      Glad you enjoying the Cooley... (Although,; blame Ed, I see a L seat every time you post a pic)

                      It's a gorgeous machine!
                      Last edited by Jedz123; 12-05-2016, 08:34 AM.


                        I headed out yesterday afternoon for a few hours and enjoyed the cool desert Southwest. Off to the left horizon are the Sandia Mtns, to the right the Manzano Mtns.

                        This area was very active with volcanoes and has lots of lava flow. I plan to explore more of the dormant volcanoes in the future. Here's a shot from another ride a few days ago at the edge of a lava flow.

                        Here's a post office on the Isleta Pueblo south of Albuquerque. Something about it just caught my eye to stop and take a pic.

                        I chose to delete my initial post about this ride since it was carelessly written.

                        '83 GS850G Daily rider
                        '82 GS1100GK Work in (slow) progress


                          I was going to say, where did Burque's post go??? HAHA
                          Your 850 is GORGEOUS BTW!

                          Hows the weather there as in temperature? I can see the sun isn't as high in the sky for you too.


                            Thanks Jedz. The 850 desperately needs a bath though. These bikes always look better in pics for some reason.

                            Its cool here. 20's at night 40's to 50's in the day. Almost always clear skys though!
                            Last edited by Burque73; 12-05-2016, 12:03 PM.

                            '83 GS850G Daily rider
                            '82 GS1100GK Work in (slow) progress


                              How far away are those mountains??? I think I'd go crazy with out my mountains...


                                You guys are tormenting me.
                                Usually that doesn't happen untill well into January.
                                Brushed heavy snow off my car this morning, and scrapped heavy frost a couple times last week. Which is not too unusual for this time of year here. But somehow the torment is worse. I think this nasty habit of going to work most every day is getting to me.

                                Tell us about Satellite Fish Company (you have shown other fish stores/restaurant(?)/processing(?) before and said was your wifes concern, or maybe yours.).
                                Is there a bigger store somewhere else? or are some fish considered to be of the satellite variety? har har har

                                ... and Split Ferry, ..... ah, er, um, the Ferry Splits, enroute across the ferry splits and each half goes to a seperate place?.... It is a split that you get on and goes across the water...? .... The Ferry ferrys you across the split? .... Oh, I know, is named after ol' man Dudley Split.


                                Last edited by Redman; 12-05-2016, 02:14 PM.
                                Had 850G for 14 years. Now have GK since 2005.
                                GK at IndyMotoGP Suzuki Display... ... GK on GSResources Page ... ... Euro Trash Ego Machine .. ..3 mo'cykls.... update 2 mocykl


