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anyone go for a ride today? Pics?

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    Dave, I love the top photo. Also, I forgot to congratulate you on the new bike... it's coool. Enjoy.
    When consulting the magic 8 ball for advice, one must first ask it "will your answers be accurate?"

    -85 1150 es - Plus size supermodel.
    -Rusty old scooter.
    Other things I like to


      Originally posted by Hayabuser View Post
      Added a few more break-in miles this morning.
      Great pics.
      What is that place in the 2nd pic, the round building....? A lighthouse...? An observatory...? Has a bit of an appearance as someplace where would not expect any vehicle traffic.

      Keep posting. My only activity with bike(s) in near future will be pushing it into back corner of the garage.
      Had 850G for 14 years. Now have GK since 2005.
      GK at IndyMotoGP Suzuki Display... ... GK on GSResources Page ... ... Euro Trash Ego Machine .. ..3 mo'cykls.... update 2 mocykl


        Thanks guys. The round building is indeed an observatory, and it sits at the top of a really fun piece of road. The downside is that it is a government facility and the road is only open during "business hours" (and sometimes special occasions). Still, it's one of my favourites.

        2005 Suzuki Hayabusa
        2010 Suzuki GSX1250FA
        2015 BMW RnineT



          The light was so trippy that I couldn't resist playing with it.

          2005 Suzuki Hayabusa
          2010 Suzuki GSX1250FA
          2015 BMW RnineT



            I need to take a few more pics, but I've put 900 miles on the Bandit in the past three weeks.
            "Thought he, it is a wicked world in all meridians; I'll die a pagan."
            ~Herman Melville

            2016 1200 Superlow
            1982 CB900f


              Went out for a quickie tonight hoping to get a picture of the week entry and some Christmas shots. Pretty much a flop on all accounts.
              I did get a couple from here though.

              http://Suzuki GS by Glen Brenner, on Flickr
              When consulting the magic 8 ball for advice, one must first ask it "will your answers be accurate?"

              -85 1150 es - Plus size supermodel.
              -Rusty old scooter.
              Other things I like to


                Rode in today.. Pics will come when the ice melts (SKETHCY RIDE) and the sun is out.

                Rode yesterday and grabbed some cool shots in my local neighborhood.


                  Got out on the weekend

                  No signature :(


                    Went into work yesterday 35' at my house at 5:45AM and was SUPPOSED to warm up and chanse of showers...

                    Temp dropped and we got snow... But I still went for a 50 mile ride after work. Most roads were ok but the mistake I made was to go around the back side of Lake Dunmore...

                    Half way through the ride the snow started to come down and the roads slowly started to accumulate....
                    The Triumph just tanking along.

                    The roads were getting bad as I closed in on Lake Dunmore (on my way home from work)... I had to pull over and "feel" with my foot which road was less icy, ended up taking a left at the intersection. (Both roads were completely covered...

                    This was an old boarding house built in the late 1800's. It's now a store front and an apartment building in Salisbury Vermont.

                    As soon as I hit the lake I could tell I was going to be in for a slow Snowy ride but man look at that view. A snow squall kissing the Green Mountains (also the road I needed to take to get home). Had well over an inch on the ground by the time I got to back side of the lake. It's just a gorgeous time of the year here in Vermont.


                      Great pics, great storytelling Justin jedz.
                      thanks for sharing the adventure.

                      what was it that your boss was asking you the other day?
                      Had 850G for 14 years. Now have GK since 2005.
                      GK at IndyMotoGP Suzuki Display... ... GK on GSResources Page ... ... Euro Trash Ego Machine .. ..3 mo'cykls.... update 2 mocykl



                        Originally posted by Redman View Post
                        what was it that your boss was asking you the other day?
                        Bob T. ~~ Play the GSR weekly photo game: Pic of Week Game
                        '83 GS1100E ~ '24 Triumph Speed 400 ~ '01 TRIUMPH TT600 ~ '67 HONDA CUB


                          Originally posted by Redman View Post
                          Great pics, great storytelling Justin jedz.
                          thanks for sharing the adventure.

                          what was it that your boss was asking you the other day?
                          Glad I'm finally coming into time to share these stories! Work is slowing down.... Finally.

                          I got the DT125 running (again) the carb was full of water!!! I plan on taking that out tomorrow... My 19 day vacation starts tomorrow at 5PM.

                          Yeah Said I was insane and looking for a death wish... Something along those lines, truthfully it was sketchy and intense but man I haven't felt that alive in a LONG time!


                            Got some errands done.
                            45 degF this afternoon.
                            Has rained since last salting of the roads.
                            GK still in front of garage (not put away in far back corner).

                            Have not been out in 6 weeks.
                            That is just not right!
                            Time to go for ride!

                            Stopped at boat ramp park on the river. Docks pulled out,... and they removed the metal transition plate ramps, .. wonder why...cant get bike onto the ramp...

                            Getting twilight by 5pm

                            THen into town for down by the river channel and beach

                            >>later note
                            By time got home, after dark, the idle started to hang at about 1500 then would climb to about 2000 (with little power)... I know what that means - again.
                            And both my driving spot lights quit.
                            Add those to the slobbering fork seals (again- 1 1/2 season), the low compression, and the oil burning - - all makes me think I should have a good winter work garage-shop place, or should have years ago.
                            Last edited by Redman; 12-23-2018, 10:08 PM. Reason: >>later note
                            Had 850G for 14 years. Now have GK since 2005.
                            GK at IndyMotoGP Suzuki Display... ... GK on GSResources Page ... ... Euro Trash Ego Machine .. ..3 mo'cykls.... update 2 mocykl



                              Merry Christmas, y'all !


                                Originally posted by Jedz123 View Post
                                it was sketchy and intense
                                Recommended viewing......

                                82 1100 EZ (red)

                                "You co-opting words of KV only thickens the scent of your BS. A thief and a putter-on of airs most foul. " JEEPRUSTY

