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anyone go for a ride today? Pics?
Originally posted by steve murdoch View PostThe racer may have been Dennis Parrish.
Was he a large man?
I walked over and he rolled the window down to talk. If he hadn't just started the engine and buckled his seat belt, and the rain hadn't just started again, maybe we would have visited for a while.Roger
'83 GS850G Daily rider
'82 GS1100GK Work in (slow) progress
Originally posted by steve murdoch View PostI just know Dennis from a Honda website and he seems like a good guy.
He does live in Corrales.
If you chat with him anytime soon you can mention you sort of know the guy on the old GS riding in the rain for no apparent reason. I asked if he worked for Z1, I suppose in a roundabout way he does.Roger
'83 GS850G Daily rider
'82 GS1100GK Work in (slow) progress
Oh what fun .. It has gotten close to 100F already but this morning is was a cool and overcast 80F so I decided to head out to canyon lake. It turns into a nice twisty road and its recently paved so I was determined to try and scrape my pegs. The new tires were a dream and the bike soared up to 9000rpm without a single complaint.
The lake was beautiful and while I ride all year I hadnt been here since the fall. Being early in the season not to many people so all the wildlife was out in force and I ran over a rattle snake on the way out. I hope he was dead when I went over him. Birds that stand up almost to my shoulders and everything is in bloom. Wish I had a cooler picture with all the wonderful things out there but instead all I have is this pic of my Bike in the parking lot when I got back from hiking around.
I have gone to the other side of that little mountain on a rubber raft and you can spot a fair amount of big horn sheep. Only bad thing about being outdoors right now is Rattle snakes and bees are especially active right now so you do have to keep an ear open when walking about
Last edited by Guest; 05-10-2019, 03:34 PM.
Not a bike but got a ride in this.
Guess I need to figure out how to flip pics
Attached FilesLast edited by Guest; 05-13-2019, 12:03 AM.
Originally posted by Boriqua View PostOh what fun .. It has gotten close to 100F already but this morning is was a cool and overcast 80F so I decided to head out to canyon lake. It turns into a nice twisty road and its recently paved so I was determined to try and scrape my pegs. The new tires were a dream and the bike soared up to 9000rpm without a single complaint.
The lake was beautiful and while I ride all year I hadnt been here since the fall. Being early in the season not to many people so all the wildlife was out in force and I ran over a rattle snake on the way out. I hope he was dead when I went over him. Birds that stand up almost to my shoulders and everything is in bloom. Wish I had a cooler picture with all the wonderful things out there but instead all I have is this pic of my Bike in the parking lot when I got back from hiking around.
I have gone to the other side of that little mountain on a rubber raft and you can spot a fair amount of big horn sheep. Only bad thing about being outdoors right now is Rattle snakes and bees are especially active right now so you do have to keep an ear open when walking about
1982 GS1100G- road bike
1990 GSX750F-(1127cc '92 GSXR engine)
1987 Honda CBR600F Hurricane
Originally posted by Buffalo Bill View PostThat dead snake was dinner for another animal before you got home, so don't worry about it. You bike looks really clean! I got a rack like that too, but I need to paint it black.
I took my time about a year and a half ago and gave it a good good sanding. I wasnt going to pay to have it blasted and I didnt bring it all the way to bare metal but it was well sanded. After that I spent two days giving medium coats of Rustoleum. After letting it cure for 4 days that paint is tough as nails. I am impressed. It should be scratched to hell by now or bleached out by the sun but the rustoleum it turns out is a very quality paint.
Got out for an early evening ride.
Enjoying that is running better, and forks not slobbering, and tensioner not dripping.
(and that have cleaned up all the slobbered fork oil, and tensioner leaked engine oil, well, most all)
Rode into town, looking for "walls"
(See Picture Of The Week for details, and other folks postings.)
And then I saw the clutch actuator seal is dripping some down the cover. (cant see in pic)
Had been a little smudge there before. I think I bought a replacement seal some time ago.
.Last edited by Redman; 05-14-2019, 01:42 AM.
Had 850G for 14 years. Now have GK since 2005.
GK at IndyMotoGP Suzuki Display... ... GK on GSResources Page ... ... Euro Trash Ego Machine .. ..3 mo'cykls.... update 2 mocykl
Was just the other day I was so happy the bike running so well after the carb rebuild-cleaning and other work.
Today Took the bike out to runn some errands, and started running like c-ca-cra-crap, a bit of a shutter-stutter. Seems to idle, but the stutter on accell, and not the accelleration it should be, and can feel the stuttering at higher speed. Is a real quick stutter, maybe better described as a shudder.
Very discouraging.
Stopped an let it sit for about 5 minutes, #2 pipe was cold while others still warm.
Ran it some more to get home a few miles, stopped and checked pipes again, #2 pipe a little warm by head and cold further down, others hot. So #2 is not heating up.
Makes me want to read the "why some folks should not have old bikes" again.
Next few days I have a lot other stuff going on, then will be completely unavailable to work on it for about 3 1/2 weeks, then will have not much more than a week before Brown County.
Trying to think of what to check first. Plug wires were trimmed back last year, and new caps last fall. But I can check those again. New plugs with the recent work.
CAn check spark on #2.
Since is cyclinder 2, I can see if blocking off the vacuum line to the petcock makes a difference.
Other than those, I cant think of anything else.
Dont know weither to post in "Ignition" or "4 cylinder". Maybe after I find out a bit more.
Am annoyed and discouraged. Looking for any words of wisdom.Last edited by Redman; 05-15-2019, 10:39 PM.
Had 850G for 14 years. Now have GK since 2005.
GK at IndyMotoGP Suzuki Display... ... GK on GSResources Page ... ... Euro Trash Ego Machine .. ..3 mo'cykls.... update 2 mocykl
Ride? What's a ride. Been a sh*t spring so far. I know have this orange two wheeled thing in the back of the shed somewhere and a big ole Spyder in there as well. Between wind, flaring up arthritis, a 15 yr old that needs 24/7 supervision and now an injured knee ( massive hematona on it and swelling from a fall this last weekend) my riding has been crap. One decent ride about 4 weeks ago. Was looking forward to AspenCash in Ruidoso this weekend but nooooooo.sigpicMrBill Been a GSR member on and off since April 2002
1980 GS 750E Bought new in Feb of 1980
Stuff I've done to my bike:dancing: 1100E front end with new Sonic springs, 1100E swing arm conversion with new Progressive shocks installed, 530 sprockets/chain conversion, new SS brake lines, new brake pads. New SS fasteners through out. Rebuilt carbs, new EBC clutch springs and horn installed. New paint. Motor runs strong.