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anyone go for a ride today? Pics?

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    I went to trondheim. I had to ride during the night because I didnt want to cross the mountain (Saltfjellet) in heavy rain. It was cold and dark and I was all alone apart from the train.

    I was cold, my warm clothes were too well packed inside the Ikea bags so I figured Id just ride fast and get it overwith. Picture is while waiting for a closed tunnel.

    I started riding around 8pm, at 5:20 am I was starting to get too sleepy. I found a hotel, ate breakfast there and went to bed. Got late checkout so I could get 7 solid hours of sleep.

    Today I rode 5-7 hours and got to trondheim.

    My new gasket has held up for 1500 kilometers, and the exhaust fix seemed to hold. Oil does not seem to dissappear at a high rate (low loss).

    It was almost a full moon:

    Didnt take a lot lf photos, it was cold and I wanted to get here.

    Tomorrow I am going to Oslo (7-8 hours). Going over Dovrefjell so I might see som musk ox.
    GS1000G 1981


      Doing an Eli69 / Jedz imitation EXCEPT.... I was not far from the pavement. Just checking out a local park....
      http://Untitled by Glen Brenner, on Flickr
      When consulting the magic 8 ball for advice, one must first ask it "will your answers be accurate?"

      -85 1150 es - Plus size supermodel.
      -Rusty old scooter.
      Other things I like to


        Forgot picture of ikea bag loadup. Ikea bags are brilliant. Used two of them. Waterproof, somewhat ridgid, tons of storage.

        Ive also done 10 000 km on this bike now. So I passed an anniversary.
        GS1000G 1981


          Originally posted by Noreg View Post
          I started riding around 8pm, at 5:20 am I was starting to get too sleepy.
          I suppose so.

          on an unfaired bike, in the cold and wett...
          Last edited by Redman; 09-04-2020, 08:13 PM.

          Had 850G for 14 years. Now have GK since 2005.
          GK at IndyMotoGP Suzuki Display... ... GK on GSResources Page ... ... Euro Trash Ego Machine .. ..3 mo'cykls.... update 2 mocykl


            Originally posted by Noreg View Post

            Forgot picture of ikea bag loadup. Ikea bags are brilliant. Used two of them. Waterproof, somewhat ridgid, tons of storage.

            Ive also done 10 000 km on this bike now. So I passed an anniversary.

            That is some hardcore riding in those conditions.
            Congrats, Noreg.
            2@ \'78 GS1000


              Originally posted by steve murdoch View Post
              That is some hardcore riding in those conditions.
              Congrats, Noreg.
              Yeah, this Noreg dude gets it.

              Watch out for the deer or whatever wanders around at night over there Mr. Noreg.
              2002 bmw r1150gs 1978 gs1000E skunk les pew 1979 gs1000L dragbike
              82 gs1100L probably the next project
              1980 gs1000G the ugly 1978 gs750E need any parts?
              1978 gs1000E skunk #2 RLAP


                Went the last 500 or so kilometers to my destination. 7 hours. Did the scenic rute over dovrefjell, but didnt see any musk ox.

                All the pictures are on or near Dovrefjell.

                Had mostly good wearher, a bit of rain. And 5 minutes after making it to where Im staying it started pouring down. I find going highway speeds for prolonged periods to be somehwat exhausting. Maybe its just because of the side wind.

                We stopped at a sausage maker for hot dogs for lunch/breakfast or dinner. Great food. My friend was driving a car.
                GS1000G 1981


                  "stopped for hot dogs"...."didn't see any musk ox"....seems obvious to me.
                  2@ \'78 GS1000


                    Ended up down by Lake Ontario at sunset.
                    A bit too chilly for the tourists i guess. An ocean boat heading across the lake to Toronto.
                    A lovely night for a ride.

                    2@ \'78 GS1000


                      Another sunset ride.

                      2005 Suzuki Hayabusa
                      2010 Suzuki GSX1250FA
                      2015 BMW RnineT



                        From Traverse City to home the fairly direct route is about 150 miles.

                        But up that way is M-22, one of the most interesting roads in the state, in that it that goes along Traverse Bay, and then along Lake Michigan, and then up and down wooded duneland, and then inbetween and around lots of inland lakes, and at various places are small tourist towns, for a total of 120 miles. (And ends about 90 miles from home.)

                        See it there, from Traverse City along the bay to Northport at, then back down all along Lake Michigan (to Manistee).

                        So, for my ride home from Traverse City Wednesday, that is what I did. Except the part from TC to Suttons Bay is right along the bay, but is urban/suburban/comercail and lots of traffic (and I have done that before a few times and is close to where I used to live), and are lots of nice county roads inland, so I headed inland. Took the road to Cedar. Up and down hills, with views at the top, and curves along the way thru orchards. Should have got some whpics.

                        Going thru Cedar, I did what I often do, if have time, look on gps for some geopgraphy that might be intersting, a river or something, and turn off the main road and go thru town to go a couple block on a side street. Might find something interesting like the old mill/dam, or the old train station. Well, this time I found RB's Vintage Kawaski Shop. He was just pulling out with a couple bikes on a trailer, and the door was closing but could see more bikes in there, and off he went.
                        Looped back into town on main street, was getting warmer, so stopped to change out some gear, lighter shirt and gloves.

                        I wondered what this building had been in its history.

                        Continued wandering north and west till got to M22 south of Leeland.

                        Continued into Leeland. Leeland is interesting in that has boat docks in the river near the big lake, and can walk right out there on boardwalks over the river. THis is where the fishing boats go out from, and are shops right there. SOme are tourist souvinr shops and others are fish shops smoking and cooking fish for sale. I walked around for a little bit, but wanted to get back on the road.

                        Decided to head south. Is mostly thru wooded dune, with some views of Lake Michigan. Good interesting ride.

                        Into Glen Arbor. Where have to stop at the M-22 store, since this helmet and bike have now earned the distinction of needing M-22 stickers.

                        Had been hungry for some time, but my favorite place, Art's Tavern, had a line up and 45minute wait, and so did the other two places. So ended up at the grocery store, which had fairly good deli sandwiches, and chairs and tables outside in the shade.

                        Back on the road. Went inbetween and around several inland lakes, and some views of lake michingan.

                        Maybe this is Crystal Lake, dont recall.

                        More good riding.

                        This little roadside pull off

                        And this larger roadside pulloff

                        Is also a walkway along edge of bluff, with lake views from north to south. Might as well be an ocean.

                        Hum,,, seems that I didnt get many pics of the road this time.

                        At the end of M-22 in Manistee, I decided to head home on US31. Are other intersting roads, but had been there before.

                        Got home about 7pm. So about 8 1/2 hours for 225 miles.
                        So, yah, for me 225 miles is a day ride.
                        Last edited by Redman; 09-06-2020, 07:25 PM.
                        Had 850G for 14 years. Now have GK since 2005.
                        GK at IndyMotoGP Suzuki Display... ... GK on GSResources Page ... ... Euro Trash Ego Machine .. ..3 mo'cykls.... update 2 mocykl



                          Looks like an awesome Ride Dave!!! Enjoy and ride safe!


                            Ride from yesterday. Fun!

                            I did end up getting my first speeding ticket in 5 years yesterday. Cop was very very cool. Allot of enforcement this Holiday weekend. Minimum fine of $50 and told me to talk in court with getting the points dropped. The fact I've done over 150K miles since my last enforcement encounter has been kinda lucky.
                            Gotta simmer down!
                            Last edited by Jedz123; 09-06-2020, 01:51 PM.


                              Bride and I cruised up to Niagara Falls today. Naturally, I lost a headlight on the way home and had to abandon the GS650G in the dark. The "Pocket Hawg" did better than we both expected two-up. Dummie will have spare headlamp in the future.

                              Great day for a ride.

                              Cheers, Alan
                              '82 GS650G 27k
                              '00 GZ250 5k "Pocket Hawg"
                              ('98 GS500E 18k, new project - moved on to new home)
                              '98 GSF1200 39k, new project, fixed the blown out spark plug, waiting on time
                              '05 Moto Guzzi Nevada 750IE (the Pocket Hawg's days are numbered)


                                Do you mean the bulb burned out or the lamp fell off? If the bulb burned I would also check your charging system out.
                                Cowboy Up or Quit. - Run Free Lou and Rest in Peace

                                1981 GS550T - My First
                                1981 GS550L - My Eldest Daughter's - Now Sold
                                2007 GSF1250SA Bandit - My touring bike

                                Sit tall in the saddle Hold your head up high
                                Keep your eyes fixed where the trail meets the sky and live like you ain't afraid to die
                                and don't be scared, just enjoy your ride - Chris Ledoux, "The Ride"

