After attending the morning report with the CIO, he helped me edit one piece of the After Hours Nurse Triage phone script I'm re-writing.

The Dayton VA's After Hours Nurse Triage center supports 43 VA hospitals from around the country (Boston to Anchorage, Birmingham to Saginaw) for after hours medical, mental health (suicide/homicide), and pharmacy/appointment needs. We currently only track our calls by region (actually a bit smaller but close enough) which doesn't give us much flexibility to open/close sites when needed or provide very granular reporting. My efforts will narrow their processes down by hospital which will improve service, training, and reporting. I'm also re-writing their daytime Pharmacy Call Center scripts that supports the 5 Ohio VA hospitals.
Later, I had to configure a network patch so Stator helped by attaching the cable and then verifying the switch port came up.

Unfortunately, we were called by one of my colleagues who monitor the door lock and communications closet camera systems. Stator was surprised he was caught on camera but we assured him no one in the government will really care about it......or will they

He had a decent day today and my direct boss, the CIO, was very excited about him (surprisingly) and had to take a picture. Our customer support supervisor even wanted to take him home for her granddaughter.