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Stator, The GSR travelling mascot.

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    Meteor Crater, Arizona

    Seligman AZ


    1973 Honda ST90
    1983 Suzuki GS1100GK


      The pass going to Oatman is narrow curvy and quite dangerous.
      There is a flat spot where you can park and take pictures.
      People have erected memorials there. Crosses, mementos, statues, etc.
      The memorials are quite numerous and as you look at the slope one can see quite the few vehicles on it. Not a good feeling.

      Some of the memorials include toys.......

      Stator- Makes me want to cry. But big bears don't.
      Me- Big bears and bikers can and do.


      1973 Honda ST90
      1983 Suzuki GS1100GK


        In Oatman stator and I treated ourselves to ice cream.
        The Icecream Lady gave Stator some honey packets at is request.

        California. Finally.

        Along the way there was a gas station. Didn't need any really. But one never knows. Better to fuel often sometimes.

        After Stator pointed out the price per gallons I took one.


        1973 Honda ST90
        1983 Suzuki GS1100GK


          I think we are in California.

          After that the pics are quite far apart.

          The GK got hard to start and I realised my phone service was discontinued. So no more stopping at random problem spots for pictures.
          At the time I blamed my old battery.

          And the rain. Five days of rain. With a few moments of dry in between.

          San Francisco. Hot and humid. "The" bridge with a low overcast.


          That night Stator helped extract the battery. It looked good enough to go back in. But starting up still was......Funny.
          With the starter engaging, pausing half a second then vroom.

          The plan: Follow Route 101 to Newport OR then go East and home.

          After a fashion the weather got good enough for Stator to get out of his rain gear for a photo session.

          Last edited by Highway_Glider; 10-21-2018, 11:17 AM.

          1973 Honda ST90
          1983 Suzuki GS1100GK


            Here Stator is looking at the Pacific and musing about the mythical land of Japan where Suzukis come from.

            After Newport OR we rode East (And up and up and up) through cold and rain. Till we ran out of rain. Stopped in the oldest motel I have ever been in.
            Not renovated since the 80s, me think. Stator- me neither.
            But warm and welcomed. Cheap too. The price was also from the 80s.

            Rode clear through Utah and entered Wyoming. Got back into weather with forecast of snow. And we had more continent to climb still.

            So left Wyoming (In light snow temperature of 36°f or so, back toward Salt lake City (And ever warmer rain).

            Rode in rain till we got to Nevada. Where Stator faced discrimination.

            One of the wedding chapels in Vegas. Stator- makes me think of a "Certain Nurse Bear" I know.....But I am not ready to settle down.

            Last edited by Highway_Glider; 10-21-2018, 11:54 AM.


            1973 Honda ST90
            1983 Suzuki GS1100GK


              Very few pics from now on.

              Starter issues, oil leak not getting any better, days short, cold, already seen States.

              It's mostly get up before dawn and ride all day. No camping either. All motels.

              Finally Michigan and safety at Dales-rustybronco's place.

              Stator got to see Morgan again and ride him of course. Oh and Dale offered him a cup of coffee and chatted about the weather we are having.
              That little rascal can be quite pleasant if you keep him away from booze.

              The starter quit all together after entering Ontario. Relay audibly click. 12v to the starter wire when depressing the button. Jumping the terminals doesn't even produce a spark.
              Good Samaritans got to bump start us from then on.

              My son in law is a software developer and Stator couldn't wait to try his "War mouse" (Because it looks cool, SF and tech) and log onto the forum.

              Stator is now with me in my home.

              The season is pretty much over. The GK is U.S. for the next little while.

              There will be the odd outing off road. But still.

              He is getting restless.
              As soon as I get the rest of his loot (Being on the road and on a bike Steve kept some stuff) I will write a few pages in his log and he will be available for another member to show him stuff.
              Last edited by Highway_Glider; 10-21-2018, 11:48 PM.


              1973 Honda ST90
              1983 Suzuki GS1100GK


                That is a delightful compilation, Daniel

                Looks like Stator had a great companion!

                I still have to get that seat to you, but am wondering about any urgency as weather here has been getting chilly of late....we had snow several times already, and twice had ice pellets with rain. It melted quickly, but it is not good for riding.
                A take-away:


                  Thank you, Daniel.
                  An outstanding travelogue about both of you.
                  2@ \'78 GS1000


                    Originally posted by argonsagas View Post
                    That is a delightful compilation, Daniel

                    Looks like Stator had a great companion!

                    I still have to get that seat to you, but am wondering about any urgency as weather here has been getting chilly of late....we had snow several times already, and twice had ice pellets with rain. It melted quickly, but it is not good for riding.
                    Hey Ron.

                    No hurry at all.

                    The GK as been emptied and summarily cleaned. Both Stator and I are chilling. Literally. Same weather here.
                    There won't be any cruising any more this year.

                    Still haven't decided if I want to open the engine, replace it outright (With my spare) or only do the starter and the left cover leak.

                    What's that?

                    Stator says to blow it up and get a better bike.
                    One that doesn't break.
                    And better looking.
                    With bear sized controls.
                    And tires with new tread on them.
                    And girls.
                    More girls.

                    I have to reduce is beer intake again.

                    Here is Stator meeting my cat Corinthe (Coco for friends).

                    Neither of them are impressed by the other one.

                    Stator wants to go trick-or-treating tomorrow.

                    He wants to go as a "Killer clown". We’ll see about that.


                    1973 Honda ST90
                    1983 Suzuki GS1100GK


                      Thanks for the travel log. Your cat looks like one tough feline.
                      83 GS1100g
                      2006 Triumph Sprint ST 1050

                      Ohhhh!........Torque sweet Temptress.........always whispering.... a murmuring Siren


                        Originally posted by steve murdoch View Post
                        Thank you, Daniel.
                        An outstanding travelogue about both of you.
                        Originally posted by Charlie G View Post
                        Thanks for the travel log. Your cat looks like one tough feline.
                        Thanks, we both enjoyed our adventure.

                        My cat ain't so bad. It's all posturing.....Mostly anyway.

                        Stator wants everyone to see his "Killer Clown" Halloween costume.

                        He wanted a bloody kitchen knife.....From the kitchen.

                        I convinced him that he would scare children as he is quite scary already.


                        1973 Honda ST90
                        1983 Suzuki GS1100GK


                          You're having way too much fun there!
                          83 GS1100g
                          2006 Triumph Sprint ST 1050

                          Ohhhh!........Torque sweet Temptress.........always whispering.... a murmuring Siren


                            Daniel, thanks for the great set of pictures. Looks like good times.
                            When consulting the magic 8 ball for advice, one must first ask it "will your answers be accurate?"

                            -85 1150 es - Plus size supermodel.
                            -Rusty old scooter.
                            Other things I like to


                              Well we are back from walking the neighbourhood.

                              Corinthe is checking Stator's loot. And asking me "How come I don't get to go trick-or-treating"?

                              Poor little guy is exhausted from running from house to house. Scaring grown-ups.

                              Bur he got a nice loot for his trouble.


                              1973 Honda ST90
                              1983 Suzuki GS1100GK


                                That's so great, keep it up.

                                80 GS 1100 LT, 83 1100 G "Scruffy"
                                81 GS 1000 G
                                79 GS 850 G
                                81 GS 850 L
                                83 GS 550 ES, 85 GS 550 ES
                                80 GS 550 L
                                86 450 Rebel, 70CL 70, Yamaha TTR125
                                2002 Honda 919
                                2004 Ural Gear up

