I was doing 80 down the motorway just about to overtake a caravan and then a big backfire lost all power, so moved over to the hard shoulder. Still rolling under my own momentum pulled in the clutch, turned off the ignition and turned it back on. Let out the clutch and was bale to bump start the bike again.
However right down on power, I was able to nurse it along the breakdown lane. It wouldn't do more than 40mph and if I tried to give it any more gas it would just backfire and lose whatever momentum I had. I eased it along for about 6 miles till I got to the services (rest stop).
I pulled into the car park with is still running and got off. I checked over the bike, made sure I had lights, brake lights, flashers, horn so that I was safe as I was considering continuing my journey tentatively as I was only about 8 miles from home.

However I'm not sure what happened next, I may have knocked the kill switch when I checked the headlight and the bike died. At that point it was totally dead, no ignition light, no anything.
I called for breakdown recovery, but had a couple hours to kill till they arrived. I took off the side panels, checked the fuses and looked all around for any obvious problems, loose wire or any signs/smell of burning etc. I had basic tools in the rear storage so was able to lift the tank out the away and check the wires there and the coils, not that I really knew what I was checking for, but I guess if I'd seen a break in a wire at least I'd know.
But nothing obvious. I got trailered home and shoved the bike away in the garage for further investigation. It was last by then, and I've had to take the car to work today so haven't had chance to diagnose anything further. But can anyone point me towards where I should start?
I'm wondering if I've totally killed the battery, it seems strong enough but I don't know the history of it. So I'll hook up another battery and see but I would expect some life not complete shut down.
I also guess I could have killed a coil, or both but again I don't see how that would knock out the ignition light. Again any fault in the start button or kill switch I assume would prevent it from starting but I'd still have the ignition light on.
