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GS650 Katana - Compatible exhaust?

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    GS650 Katana - Compatible exhaust?

    Hi, all.
    My 1983 GS650 Katana was stolen some years ago and by chance surfaced again a month ago and I was able to get it back. Of course, it was just the frame, motor and wheels left.

    I just want to get it back to a rideable bike, no showbike, so I have been looking for used parts as this will have to be a budget-project. But I am having a hard time finding complete exhaust for the bike here in Norway.

    My question is: Are there header pipes from another GS model or maybe from other jap bikes from the same era that will fit on my 650 and will bolt right on?

    I read somewhere that pipes from a GS550 do not fit a 650, but maybe there’s other possibilities?