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GS550T Stolen and Now Recovered Vancouver Island

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    GS550T Stolen and Now Recovered Vancouver Island

    While parked overnight at the Cowichan Best Western hotel in Duncan BC my 1981 GS550T black was stolen. Neighbouring business video surveillance shows the thief driving it away. Appears they likely jammed a screwdriver in the ignition or not wired it as I had both keys in the hotel room. My annual trip with my long time friend came to an abrupt hault. We were parked right across from the main doors too. Video surveillance of the hotel was of very little help.On

    It would be appreciated if any GSResorces members here on the island can watch for it or some $#@% parting it out.
    Last edited by Mr.humbucker; 05-18-2019, 12:17 PM.
    GS550T 1981
    GS850G 1983
    GS650G 1982
    GS650G 1982 Under Restoration 😳🏍👍

    That stinks. What a punch to the gut.
    Hopefully the jerk just abandons it when it runs out of gas.
    2@ \'78 GS1000


      Oww! Awfull !

      Originally posted by Mr.humbucker View Post
      ............................................... any GSResorces members here on the island can watch for it ...................
      Mr Trevor has posted recently about being in California.
      Had 850G for 14 years. Now have GK since 2005.
      GK at IndyMotoGP Suzuki Display... ... GK on GSResources Page ... ... Euro Trash Ego Machine .. ..3 mo'cykls.... update 2 mocykl


        I'm sorry to hear that and hope you recover it. I hate thieves.
        Komorebi-The light filtering through the trees.

        I would rather sit on a pumpkin and have it all to myself than be crowded on a velvet cushion. H.D.T.


          Murray, that really sucks, especially when you were on a trip.

          I'm heading off at the end of June for a trip to the Yukon and may consider taking something extra to lock my bike with after hearing about that.

          2018 Honda Africa Twin AS
          2013 DR 650 Grey, sold 1981 GS 650E Silver,

          1980 GS1000ST Blue & White, X2

          2012 DL650 Vstrom Foxy Orange, in storage
          1981 CT110 X2 "Postie Bikes" Gone to a New Home.
          2002 BMW 1150 GS Blue & White - Sold
          1975 BMW R90/6 Black - Sold 1984 GS1150EF Sold
          1982 BMW R100 Africa trip, Stolen - Recovered- Sold
          1977-1980 Suzuki GS550, GS1000E, GS1000S GSX750, GSX1100,s
          Hondas ST90, CR125 CB175 , CB350 CB750, NSU Quickly, Yamaha RD's 350/400,


            who in their right minds steals an old bike?
            Its in no way worth the risk.
            Sadly it will probably be abandoned in a lake or some other place.
            1983 GS 550 LD
            2009 BMW K1300s


              Thanks for the comments and sympathies. Compared to what bad days can look like, if this is mine, I will take it as no one was hurt and frankly the monetary value is relatively low. I did do a lot of work on this one so that sucks. I will put it on Craigslist and hopefully it shows up intact. I shared this mostly to show that idiots will steal almost anything. Our bikes have old technology for security and so from now on I will chaining it up on trips. Also a reminder to all to park in highlighting visible areas with GOOD video surveillance coverage. I very much appreciate the support from the GS community.
              Last edited by Mr.humbucker; 05-17-2019, 09:49 AM.
              GS550T 1981
              GS850G 1983
              GS650G 1982
              GS650G 1982 Under Restoration 😳🏍👍


                Another place to post is on It's a cross between Craigslist and Facebook and very popular here in central Texas. I don't know if it's popular there, but worth looking into. You'll have to find someone local who already has an account and have them post your situation. Perhaps ask the hotel staff? There are a lot of busybodies who watch it constantly and report everything out of order in the neighborhood - from people speeding to mail theft to lost to lost pets. Weirdos and thieves of all sorts get busted fast here as there are a bunch of people contributing. I hope you get your bike back!!!!!


                  I will have my Commander in Chief (wife) look into posting on that site, she's the Facebook social media guru at home. The more you can get the message out there the more likely you will get a lead. 98% of people hate thieves and will gladly join the hunt. Thanks for your suggestion and consideration.

                  Originally posted by danbob View Post
                  Another place to post is on It's a cross between Craigslist and Facebook and very popular here in central Texas. I don't know if it's popular there, but worth looking into. You'll have to find someone local who already has an account and have them post your situation. Perhaps ask the hotel staff? There are a lot of busybodies who watch it constantly and report everything out of order in the neighborhood - from people speeding to mail theft to lost to lost pets. Weirdos and thieves of all sorts get busted fast here as there are a bunch of people contributing. I hope you get your bike back!!!!!
                  GS550T 1981
                  GS850G 1983
                  GS650G 1982
                  GS650G 1982 Under Restoration 😳🏍👍


                    Yeah, I stopped using antitheft stuff like chains and disc locks on my 80s bikes about 20 years ago. I figured nobody would really want to steal them, guess I'm wrong. I hear the UK has a big problem right now.

                    Did the crook have a helmet on? Helmet laws were credited with slowing MC thefts.
                    1981 Suzuki GS250T
                    1982 Yamaha Seca Turbo
                    1985 Suzuki GS550E
                    2004 Suzuki GSF1200S


                      Nope, video from the Ford dealership across the street shows them with no helmet. Came on a pedal
                      bike and returned 35 minutes later for the bike he arrived on. Likely sold for a bit -sad state of affairs.

                      Originally posted by fbody_mike View Post
                      Yeah, I stopped using antitheft stuff like chains and disc locks on my 80s bikes about 20 years ago. I figured nobody would really want to steal them, guess I'm wrong. I hear the UK has a big problem right now.

                      Did the crook have a helmet on? Helmet laws were credited with slowing MC thefts.
                      GS550T 1981
                      GS850G 1983
                      GS650G 1982
                      GS650G 1982 Under Restoration 😳🏍👍


                        Visit Kijiji Classifieds to buy, sell, or trade almost anything! New and used items, cars, real estate, jobs, services, vacation rentals and more virtually anywhere in Canada.

                        probaly not yours but my evil mind started churning thinking hey post a generic ad and let it acquire stats on views and age etc then edit and paste in your stolen goods that way the ad looks old but the product may have been added at anytime?
                        1983 GS 550 LD
                        2009 BMW K1300s


                          Hey Murray, maybe you could snag that GS550T listed above and complete your trip, it actually looks pretty nice but would need some new rubber by the look of it.

                          2018 Honda Africa Twin AS
                          2013 DR 650 Grey, sold 1981 GS 650E Silver,

                          1980 GS1000ST Blue & White, X2

                          2012 DL650 Vstrom Foxy Orange, in storage
                          1981 CT110 X2 "Postie Bikes" Gone to a New Home.
                          2002 BMW 1150 GS Blue & White - Sold
                          1975 BMW R90/6 Black - Sold 1984 GS1150EF Sold
                          1982 BMW R100 Africa trip, Stolen - Recovered- Sold
                          1977-1980 Suzuki GS550, GS1000E, GS1000S GSX750, GSX1100,s
                          Hondas ST90, CR125 CB175 , CB350 CB750, NSU Quickly, Yamaha RD's 350/400,


                            Close but not it. This one has been up for sale for a while. Interesting and ironic as it is not far from where mine went missing and really a black model of this one year run bike is somewhat rare. If it doesn't show up I don't know if I will hunt down another.

                            Originally posted by Cipher View Post

                            probaly not yours but my evil mind started churning thinking hey post a generic ad and let it acquire stats on views and age etc then edit and paste in your stolen goods that way the ad looks old but the product may have been added at anytime?
                            GS550T 1981
                            GS850G 1983
                            GS650G 1982
                            GS650G 1982 Under Restoration 😳🏍👍


                              It looks good from the photos but I caught a ride back to the mainland so the trip is sadly over for this spring.

                              Originally posted by Kiwi Canuck View Post
                              Hey Murray, maybe you could snag that GS550T listed above and complete your trip, it actually looks pretty nice but would need some new rubber by the look of it.

                              GS550T 1981
                              GS850G 1983
                              GS650G 1982
                              GS650G 1982 Under Restoration 😳🏍👍

