The bike arrived on a trailer(on its side), tank seat and carbs off. A cardboard box full of carb pieces. It looks bad, oxidized everywhere, wheels spokes, fork tubes badly rusted, lots of surface rust on frame and corroded aluminum and chrome everywhere.
I put the carbs together, a miracle I found all the pieces. Cleaned points and reset, sourced a 1-4 coil, the old one had the plug boots cut off. Had juice to the points but very weak spark, running a jumper directly to coils helped that. I heard it run yesterday, running on jumper cables from the Cali, and a remote half of Harley fuel tank. It is hitting all 4 cylinders, no terrible noises, oil light goes out. After fogging the cylinders with a little oil I've got 150 psi across the board. So I'm declaring the motor ok.
Any weak spots I should look for before I accept what I know is coming. I located a used front end and wheels on ebay, figure 500 of used parts,13-1400 worth of tires, tubes, wheel bearings, fork seals, swing arm bearings, brake hoses, master and caliper rebuild kits, brake pads cables, but I hesitate to sell her this if these bikes have soft tranny gears or something. It is in no shape to be road tested. I plan to tell her I suggest pulling it down to bare frame and have her get it painted or powdered. I would then reassemble, adjust valves, rebuild carbs for real, replace swing arm bearings, rear wheel and tire, sprocket chain, put new seals on used front end, new tire and tube, overhaul all brakes. Final assembly and tune. I'll leave any prettying and painting to her.
What would you charge a friend for a job like that. I'm estimating 25-30 man hours. Obviously shop rates would void this job. I haven't been able to talk her into scrapping this thing, besides she is emotionally attached. I am considering charging her a flat 500, which I think is a gift. Another question, good source for parts?
I have been unsuccessful in attaching a picture, but it is pretty ugly in its present condition.