Lots of great info here - thanks for being so thorough. I recently picked up an 81 GS750E - quite the upgrade from my previous 72 CB350. (Amazed at the tech upgrades in that time frame - doesnt seem quite as straightforward as the CB350) I've attached a pic of her.
Trying to work out some of the quirks on this beast - I've only put a few hundred miles on it so far. The bike needs full choke (pulling the knob hard) to start and quite the lengthy warmup before it will idle without choke. It also would occasionally bogs down/stumbles/sometimes stalls around the 1/4-1/2 throttle range (around 1.5K-3K) if I roll it on quick. Not as noticeable if I ease into it.
I'm assuming some of this has to do with the fact that the previous owner pulled the air filter box and just had an Emgo/Hiflow filter under the seat. Exhaust is a Vance & Hines 4into1. I picked up a stock air filter box with cover on ebay and I have a stock air filter arriving this week. Hope those help a bit - I have no idea what the current jetting situation is.
Over the weekend, I've been unable to get the bike started. Seems like the battery charge is low - I have it on the tender today. Hoping I can get it back started tonight. Filled up some low cells last night.
Does anyone have any recommendations for repair shops (or anyone that does some side work) in the central New Jersey area? I'm looking to find someone to give this thing a once over before I take over full time maintenance duties myself. I'm lacking the work space needed to really dive into things properly at the moment.
Thanks in advance for any recommendations and I greatly appreciate the wealth of info here.