Been lurking around here for quite some time and thought Id join in.
Probably won't post much but you never know and I felt an intro was appropriate.
I have a few bikes in various states of disrepair, but my main rider for the last 27 yrs is a 84 GS1150. Its has gone though several changes over the years and is currently running 1260 pistons, 1mm over valves and some port work, Web .370 lift cams 190 grind (shorter duration), 38mm cv carbs and a bastardized mac/vance and Hines exhaust.
Its been a fairly faithful companion and I have many great memories with it.
Longest one day trip was from the Apostle Islands in northern Wisconsin to Milwaukee Wisconsin, 11 hours in the saddle with only 2 stops, Im way to old for that now

Haven't had as much riding time in the last few years but I do get a couple hours a weekend in and enjoy very second.
Seen some really nice bikes here!
Love the GS1000 from England and Australia always want one of those.
And I would love an old Kat 1000.
Came home from northern Wisconsin with the family a couple weeks ago and saw a guy trucking a MINT NX85, it was spectacular, he got off the same exist as me and I almost wanted to follow just to see where it was going but I'm sure the family unit would have killed me!
Great site, great info, lets keep those GS's rolling!
Joe H