Just bought a 83 GS650GL and am loving it. I was on my way to pay my internet bill and saw this sitting at one of my routine maintenance car mechanic's shop. After I paid my bill, I swung back by and then basically ran straight to the bank. $650 bucks and it really only has one problem, little oil leak from the shifter side. It did have a shattered tail light lens so I replaced it with one that I had sitting around, however...My spare taillight, from a CB750 café project, did not fir the stock light nor did the entire light fit the fender. So I installed the fender with the light and rewired it up. The fiberglass fender is unpainted white. I will be finding one that looks better on the stock metal fender at some point, but the chrome part will not be staying. Anyways...I have only taken one picture so far. As this title says, I have logged over 1000 miles since the 20th and am loving it. It has 17000ish miles and sounds great. Yesterday I just ran well over 200 miles on a tank of gas, so no complaints in that department. Everything I have read about this bike calls it a cruiser, but I don't get it
it is missing the battery side cover, haven't been able to find one online yet, they look different from the one here. Even the one listed over at CMSNL looks different.
I went to the bar the other night and I had the oldest bike there, out of about 50. Almost all Harleys, of course, but there was a nice custom painted Rebel.
The rust is just some surface rust. The strap is not holding on the gas tank, it's from my tank bag. My neighbor said that, but I'm sure you guys would not think that. The headlight has some damage, not seen in this photo, but I do have a brand new 7 incher sitting in my shed. Front brake needs replaced, maybe the rotor as well, a little unevenness in light braking. I want to find luggage racks for a locking tail bag because I currently have to go to the store almost everyday and because I would like to get the quart of oil out of my cargo bungee. While I was working on the fender, I saw that the left side rear turn signal cover popped off. It was definitely there when I bought the bike. My spare turn signals have custom mounts that do not fit this frame. So I will be finding some decent sized ones with LED bulbs eventually. So many are so tiny you can't see them during the day.
I found an owner's manual from ClassicCycles.org that I printed out. and found out a couple cool things about the bike. It has a well written manual, I was a little surprised.
Enough about the bike....My name is Adam. I'm from Charlotte, currently living in Monroe, NC. I've been out of the Marine Corps for 12 years now, due to an injury, not by choice... In college for Family and Human Development. Married to a Thai girl for 2 1/2 years. She rides, but hasn't owned a bike since she has been in the States because she says the driver's are crazy and she hates helmets. In Thailand you have to wear a helmet, but she is crazy. She just Los Angeles and Berkeley for about a decade, so I didn't even need private transportation, so I had a car here and there for hauling stuff around. I am on my second BMW 318ti right now, that is in the picture above, not for sale.

I did buy a 72 CB750 that needed to be hot wired to be started and then it turned out the spokes were punching through the rims and piercing the tires, so that turned into a project. I have a lot of NOS and custom gear for it. I just lost the motivation, and funds, to finish the build. That bike has a nice story. Bought in Australia in 1972 by an American businessman. The guy liked it so much he shipped it back to California and sold it around 2004. I am the third owner.
Also, the Eclipse in the picture is for sale or trade. Also....My wife does not like green, but including the Cadillac that died on me, this is 4 green vehicles in a row.
Completely off topic....I stopped by my local dealer the other day to talk to them about the oil leak, they said they can't do anything with it because the service shop has a back log of over a month, but I did see this real rice looking GW250. Nice looking bike besides the front fender.