I got the GS400 from my stepdad as he wasn't riding it anymore. I'm currently going through the bike and getting the maintenance caught up using Basscliff's handy links. I've already changed the oil, filter, filter cover o-ring gasket and plan on servicing the air filter and brakes soon. Am also going to check steering head bearings and lube chassis and do anything else it needs. As it stands it runs very well, but I know it hasn't been used or serviced for at least 3 years. As you can see it's in pretty fantastic condition.

The other GS is a '78 750. I paid $950 for it this spring. It's been repainted, but was well done in I believe the factory black, and I plan on stripping the pinstripes and replacing them with replicas of the factory blue stripes. I also plan on taking off the fairing -- fortunately the headlight bucket and ears are still mounted -- and replacing the funky floorboards with factory pegs. I may also try to locate a factory seat, but if I go used will bolster the foam. It ran when it bought it, but wouldn't hold an idle so I suspect the carbs need to be cleaned/rebuilt. It's in pretty nice shape also. Sorry about the crappy pic, it was the only one I had handy.
