Anyway, the it has 42,000 miles on it but runs pretty well. I'm so glad we have this forum, since I plan on having to do some work on the bike. For instance, I heard a very loud whining sound coming from the instrument panel on my way home, so I looked it up here on the forum and found it was the tach needing to be cleaned and lubed. I have that unhooked for now which fixed the noise. The bike also appears to be running lean. After a long ride, the exhaust and header pipes are way cooler than they should be. I can wrap my hand around the exhaust for a couple seconds before it hurts, and I can touch the header pipes with my finger. It's a 4 into 1 exhaust, so it may need a smaller jet with the presumably reduced airflow from a single exhaust. Or maybe a previous owner upjetted too much at some point. It certainly guzzles gas, just passed 100 miles and I'm down to 1/4 tank. I'll do a carb rebuild and cleaning while I'm in there rejetting (thanks in advance to BikeCliff for the tutorial). Also need to get a shorter windshield, the current one is just a little too high for 5'11" me.
Like I said, I'm so glad this forum is here, can't wait to become a part of the community!