So I found a '80 GS750 for $300 about a month ago, knowing I'd have it in the shop for awhile before I could ride.
Time goes on and repairs keep piling up...I find out the thing was flooded in a hurricane, and that's why all this stuff is corroded and rusty (the clutch especially.) So I see an '81 GS1100 down the road that's in awesome condition for sale...turns out it's owned by the same guy who originally had the 750 before the next guy got it. He thinks it's great I've got his other bike too and he gives me a sweet deal on the 1100.
The 750 just got outta the shop today, and a buddy of mine is gonna buy it from me. I'm taking a bit of a hit after the cost of repairs selling it to him, but because of possible further damage going on in the bike because of the hurricane, I don't mind. The bike sounds amazing and runs well. One issue I found on the ride home...(I'm a complete newbie when it comes to motorcycle repair/maintenance so I'd love any suggestions) When downshifting and slowing down, the bike wants to die when I pull the clutch, but will stay alive if I give it a little throttle. I found this out coming off the highway onto a side street. There's a gasoline leak that's coming out of the carbs somewhere in the middle, but that only seemed to happen coming off highway speeds. Any thoughts? I had the carbs rebuilt in the shop...
The 1100 has been awesome to ride. The owner worked hard to keep everything original, so I'm hesitant to make many alterations apart from maybe the handlebars and light/ no frame chopping to make a cafe style rear. The only things I've noticed with this bike are that the head gasket has a small leak (which the owner said has been happening since he bought it, just not major enough to fix) and I think one of the exhaust header gaskets has a loose seal. I'm getting a kickback in the exhaust and I've noticed little puffs of smoke come out when I start it. Is an exhaust header gasket a reasonable fix for newbie to handle?
