About a year ago, I had a disagreement with a deer as to whom had the right to be on a little road in rural Texas. Didn't turn out well for me, though at least I was the one to walk away. Sadly, my 99 VFR, while it came to a rest upright against a tree after punching through a cattle fence, was no more. Nor was my wrist. Several months passed until could do so much as write, and that, naturally kept me out of the garage. It was bad enough that I couldn't ride, and had to go find something with four wheels to buy. after all, I could only rent and borrow vehicles for so long.
About the times started to poke around my various non functioning bikes, including my formerly daily driver ducati, I was moved.
So here I sit, with the suzuki in my basement shop, thinking of how to get it reliable with the money have available.
Heck, my TV is still in the packing box, and I have yet to set up my computer. Everything I do online is on my phone, so forgive the occasional (or frequent) error.
Going through the newcomer thread, and talking to a fellow rider at work, I may not need to replace as much in the carbs as i originally thought!
Here is to me actually getting this thing working by the time the snow disappears for the summer!
Petcock, carb boots, carb cleaning/orings /gaskets, valve clearances, and that stator/rectifier thing I've heard about. If she works well this summer, I'm going to take advantage of living here, and head to Prudehoe bay, Alaska the summer of 2016.

(p.s., anyone in Albuquerque, NM want to help get several of bikes going?
