This is my new GS1000G, model year 1981, from Germany, 56000 km on the odometer.
My story: Last year, I started commuting on a scooter (Vespa LX125), and soon figured out that although buzzing through Prague streets was great fun (still is!), it's not exactly the best for touring the countryside. I wanted to go (a bit) faster, (a lot) further - my dream was to travel across Europe on a touring bike. After upgrading my driver's licence, I started to look for a bike for an "ambitious beginner".
I knew I wanted a larger bike (being a larger fellow), not necessarily fast, but with lots of character, old-schoolness and reliability (and shiny parts!). After doing my research, I finally decided to go for a GS with a shaft drive. I was initially looking to get a GS850G, but I stumbled upon this beauty. She was a little too strong for a beginner like me, and also pricier than I wanted, so I was a bit sceptical. I went through my checklist. I started her up and listened. I took her for a test ride. I slept on it. The next morning I came back for her.
The ride home was an hour of GS goodness, she started eagerly, handled great, sounded great, I knew I did the right thing. The very next day, the bike refused to even start

I'll later post the details of what I'm going to do to the bike, in hopes someone will correct me before screwing up too much

Oh and I would like to issue a Mega-ThankYou to BassCliff for his Mega-Welcome, and to all the other authors of Stator Papers and countless other helpful materials here on this site. Simply put, I wouldn't have dared to go for a bike like this if it wasn't for this place.
Thanks so much!