Howdy all! I just got my first bike after taking my safety course and found a great deal on a Suzuki. I was a bit leery when the seller told me it sat for 30 years, as you may expect. The original owner bought it, rode 6800 miles, then drained the gas, oil, and carbs and hoarded it in his garage before the seller bought it at an estate sale. It came with the original owner's manual, advertisement, sales sheet, and even an ad for buying leather pants from the '80s! The seller popped in a new battery, added oil, topped up the gas tank and it started right up with a rough idle. I took it home, did a once over on it and here's what I've found so far:
- The air filter decomposed from sitting for so long; I have replaced it.
- The tires were original and cracked; I have replaced them
- The speedometer jumps around like a bronco spurred by a dude; I'm looking at cleaning and greasing the cable this week and oiling the speedo.
- It doesn't really like to idle; I haven't quite figured that one out yet, but I am going to have the carbs cleaned once I have some spare cash.
- I need to spot-shine the chrome, there's some mild surface rust.
- The seat and rubber components are in great shape!
Just wanted to share and I'm pretty stoked this forum exists. I was worried about finding repair resources until I found this, and it's great!