I'm new here, and I haven't really had time yet to read all the interesting things here, but I will.

A little about myself : I'm 33 years old, live in Vancouver, BC, Canada, but originally came from France. I've been riding for 14 years, many kinds of bike, first in Europe, then in North America.
2 years ago, i discovered myself a passion for vintage bikes, and bought a 1981 Honda CX500D, and drove it from Toronto to Vancouver. It was a beautiful ride, and I really loved this bike. Unfortunately, she met a violent end last April when a car cut 3 lanes without looking right in front of me, leaving me with a damaged wrist and a broken bike.
A few months later, my wrist mostly healed, and desperate for a bike, I decided to buy myself a 2007 BMW F650GS, which I am still riding today. It is not a bad bike, but too fancy and modern for my taste. So as the riding season ended, I started looking for good deals on older bikes. There were several models I was interested in, mostly twins, as it has always been the kind of bike I feel best.
I didn't care much for thumpers, and the 4 cylinders I tried had always left me with a bad impression, either because they were too aggressive, or even downright unreliable and disappointing, as the two CB550s I tried were.
So, Yamaha XS650, Suzuki T500 and the like were on top of my list. I didn't want another CX500, not because I didn't like the bike, but it would just have been heartbreaking. Still, I was always open to options...
Then on Craigslist popped that GS850G, running a bit rough, looking ok, and with a price tag nothing short of irresistible ($900). I had heard tons of good things about the GS850, the only 2 downsides I could see were the weight and the fact that it is a 4 cylinders, and the CB550s left me with a very bad opinion of vintage 4s. But the price, and the shape, and the fact that it was a 79, with the kickstart, and even the color I liked, decided me to give it a try.
So I went there to see and try the bike. She did run a bit rough, took a good 15min to get the idle right. And she sure was heavy as I had to back out of the alley before I could take her for a spin.
2 blocks later, I was in love. Everything about this bike resonated with me. I found back everything I loved with my CX500 (the comfort, the shaft, the easy acceleration...) and much more (excellent braking, great sound, no shortage of power). It had the same comfortable low RPM torque as a twin, but as soon as you revved it up, it turned into another beast entirely. It was everything I had ever hoped from a 4 cylinders but never found. But most importantly, it had a soul, unlike my BMW. It was simply amazing.
After my little spin, I tried very hard to find a reason not to take it, but failed. The carbs most likely need a bit of help, but the engine looks good otherwise, the frame has a few rusty spots, nothing bad, the tank however doesn't show any sign of rust and the exhausts are ok. It sure will need some cleanup and a few parts to put it back to original (which is my goal), but the heart of the machine is definitely there, and kicking.
So, sure enough, I bought it, and there she is:

Isn't she a beauty (already)? <3
Now, it's time to get her back to shape, and find the parts I need to put it all back to original. What bothers me most is the rear of the bike, the previous owner cut a big piece of the mudguard, I wonder how hard it will be to get that... I will also obviously need another saddle and handlebars, as well as the chrome covers on the side. Also necessary will be a new front light, as it is damaged, and the tachometer doesn't work, so I'll have to see if it is repairable or has to be replaced. I do already have the original mirrors and turning lights. Is there anything else I'm missing?
Anyway, glad to be here, and I hope to get that beast back on the road for 2016, because every time I climb on my BMW now, it just makes me cringe, that machine has no soul...
