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1980 GS450e new to motorcycles

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    1980 GS450e new to motorcycles


    Hi, my son and I are working on our first motorcycle. Found this 1980 gs450e in great condition for its age and having rested in a barn for a couple of years. With a new battery and a little work it is running well. Still needs a front tire replacement to pass inspection and front brake is sticking. We have planned a change of both tires, brake line/fluid, chain, and carb cleanout. It's really nice to start with a running motorcycle, our last project was a Motofino scooter that hadn't run for 5 years and took a while. We have already found a ton of help here on the forum and great details on Cliff's site. Nearly every question I've had has been answered with a quick search of the forum. Thanks for all the help you all didn't know you were giving me!

    Add yer general location info into your profile....could be someone just a few miles away that could help you out even more....


      Welcome to the site, villac.
      Can't think of a better way to spend quality time with the kids than working on a motorcycle.
      2@ \'78 GS1000


        Pictures??? Welcome aboard, Bass Clifs site is AWESOME! I found going over those basics on even newer bikes I acquire and work on have been beneficial.

        Good luck with it!



          Welcome! The 450 is a great bike. It looks like my old bike, except it's has stock pipes.

          83 GS1100g
          2006 Triumph Sprint ST 1050

          Ohhhh!........Torque sweet Temptress.........always whispering.... a murmuring Siren


            Hi, villac! I surely do like your bike! It is a good prospect!
            Nearly every question I've had has been answered with a quick search of the forum.
            Outstanding! I still find a lot of help in the mass of old posts too.


              That's a cool 450. Good luck and enjoy the family wrenching..... and welcome.
              When consulting the magic 8 ball for advice, one must first ask it "will your answers be accurate?"

              -85 1150 es - Plus size supermodel.
              -Rusty old scooter.
              Other things I like to



                Welcome to GSR.
                THanks for introducing yourself and posting pic.
                Do keep us updated on progress.

                Looks like nice stock condition bike there.
                (maybe shorter flatter bars)

                Maybe you and your son can have further experience together by taking a MSF class together.

                Do add your general location to user profile.

                Last edited by Redman; 12-19-2015, 08:36 PM.
                Had 850G for 14 years. Now have GK since 2005.
                GK at IndyMotoGP Suzuki Display... ... GK on GSResources Page ... ... Euro Trash Ego Machine .. ..3 mo'cykls.... update 2 mocykl



                  Looks exactly like mine, except when I got it the bike was in about twelve boxes, that frame over there, those wheels over there, cylinders over there, and by the way it skips out of fifth and sixth gear, a true basket case. Actually more of a box case.

                  Nice bike, I rode it a while today, I like it.
                  Last edited by tkent02; 12-20-2015, 04:40 PM.

                  Life is too short to ride an L.


                    except when I got it the bike was in about twelve boxes, that frame over there, those wheels over there, cylinders over there
                    Sounds like 30% of all my bikes !


                      Nice project. I got my GS start with a 450 too.

                      Be sure to check the Newbie Mistakes thread linked in my signature so you can be aware of some things to look out for. Make sure to check the valves and pull the piston out of the caliper and clean out the grunge. Flushing won't adequately clean out the sludge sure to be inside if it's sticking now.

                      Good luck

                      To measure is to know.

                      Mikuni O-ring Kits For Sale...

                      Top Newbie Mistakes thread...

                      Carb rebuild tutorial...

                      KZ750E Rebuild Thread...


                        Welcome! And yep, the 450's are great little bikes, I still enjoy riding mine nearly every day! Lots of fun in the twisties too.
                        1982 GS450E - The Wee Beastie
                        1984 GSX750S Katana 7/11 - Kit Kat - BOTM May 2020


                        450 Refresh thread:

                        Katana 7/11 thread:


                          Thanks! Appreciate the hello, Pete, Nessism, WolfworksCustoms, tkent12, Redman, dorkburger, Gorminrider, Charlie G, Jedz123, steve murdoch, (breath)

                          We are in Danville PA: right in the middle woodsy part between Wilkes-Barre/Scranton and State College. Great local roads! I'll update my profile.

                          Hope everyone had a Merry Christmas! Was a warm wet one here, slippery roads.

                          We have made a little progress: We replaced the front tire, and gave PennDot their gold coins so now we are inspected and street legal. We found the IRC GS11 tire which was an even swap with the cracked old tire on the GS450 so the handling feels the same. The change wasn't much tougher than a mountain bike tire with some hefty tire levers and baby powder. One casualty is that the speedometer cable has a little buzzing noise at speed so that's going to have to be redone.

                          I'm realizing as I write this that I have to start putting this stuff in the part-appropriate threads.

                          Nessism: thanks for the Newbie mistakes thread, I realize I'm tempted to take lots of short cuts that will probably bite back.

                          tkent02: Your GS looks great! Ours does look very similar, except no black fenders and our chrome shines a lot less than yours!

                          I don't have new pics of progress, just a shot of the very cool instruments on the GS450 (nothing digital!) and a picture of the Chinese scooter that was our warm up project.



                            (The scooter is serving well as the transport vehicle to pick up parts)
                            Attached Files


                              And one more thing, Come summertime, Pennsylvania runs a great FREE skills course that my son and I are going to take together. I'm sure we will appreciate the safety skills and it also lets us take the full license skills course without having to visit the DMV. That's the best bonus.

