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1982 GS1100G Brat Build!
Originally posted by kingofvenus View Post
2016-05-05 09.58.08 1.jpg
Originally posted by Austinaslink View Post(...) I'm building this bike for my own pleasure, and don't plan on changing it to suit your preferences. (...) Thanks to those of you with an open mind and for acknowledging my hard work.
I noticed you took off the fairing - I think it works very well.
I'd be interested in a better shot (and source) of the grips.#1: 1979 GS 550 EC "Red" – Very first Bike / Overhaul thread New here? ☛ Read the Top 10 Newbie mistakes thread
#2: 1978 GS 550 EC "Blue" – Can't make it a donor / "Rebuild" thread Manuals (and much more): See Cliff's homepage here
#3: 2014 Moto Guzzi V7 II Racer – One needs a runner while wrenching
#4: 1980 Moto Guzzi V65C – Something to chill
So what I'm getting from this thread is many people on here hate loud pipes and like to call people names for having them. I'm pretty sure your classifying a small group of young punk kid riders with flip flops into a larger group of experienced riders who can tune bikes and build em. Why don't most of you go tell Burt Munroe that his motorcycle is too loud and he's an asshat. Or go tell Valentino Rossini that you can't really here yourself complain while at the GP race and his bike is too loud. Really, Most these guys talking Sh** are ridiculous.
And their fast bikes with loud pipes are for "closed course, competition use only". Only selfish wannabes and losers confuse the two.
Glad we're on the same page bud. These guys need something to complain about, I'm happy to give them the opportunity. If anything, I like my bikes louder so people can hear me as an additional safety measure. Bikes are meant to be loud in my opinion. Here's more pictures of the bike. Straight pipes and all.
I've put about 4k miles on the bike since completing. Bike runs and rides flawlessly. Only real issue is some minor clutch slip when the bike is cold. New clutch plates, springs and gaskets are on the way. As for exhaust, I plan on installing a MAC 4:1 with a reverse cone muffler and wrapping the whole system. Kind of like on this CB750 I built.
Originally posted by oldisschool View PostSo what I'm getting from this thread is many people on here hate loud pipes and like to call people names for having them. I'm pretty sure your classifying a small group of young punk kid riders with flip flops into a larger group of experienced riders who can tune bikes and build em. Why don't most of you go tell Burt Munroe that his motorcycle is too loud and he's an asshat. Or go tell Valentino Rossini that you can't really here yourself complain while at the GP race and his bike is too loud. Really, Most these guys talking Sh** are ridiculous.
But, you already knew that.
Ridiculous, indeed...
loud et
These guys need something to complain about, I'm happy to give them the opportunity.
As for exhaust, I plan on installing a MAC 4:1 with a reverse cone muffler and wrapping the whole system.
I'd recommend comparing wrapped and unwrapped and decide what you like more.
If anything, I like my bikes louder so people can hear me as an additional safety measure. Bikes are meant to be loud in my opinion.
around in tanks. Cause y'know safety: You're loud, you're big, you're armored. People will notice you.
Oh wait. The others have upgraded to tanks as well by the same reasoning.
Now you're not louder, not bigger, and comparably armored.
Hm. Battleships?
In all seriousness; I'm looking forward to what you'll make out of this bike, the CB's picture is a nice template.#1: 1979 GS 550 EC "Red" – Very first Bike / Overhaul thread New here? ☛ Read the Top 10 Newbie mistakes thread
#2: 1978 GS 550 EC "Blue" – Can't make it a donor / "Rebuild" thread Manuals (and much more): See Cliff's homepage here
#3: 2014 Moto Guzzi V7 II Racer – One needs a runner while wrenching
#4: 1980 Moto Guzzi V65C – Something to chill
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Quite a bit of the response has been limited to loud noise.
Like others, I greatly dislike unnecessary noise as it contributes nothing at all to riding safety and is guaranteed to annoy a great many people, mostly pedestrians and those in the homes that are being passed.
Contrary to claims of increased safety, it actually has no effect at all on other drivers who are ahead of the bike and only is heard by some drivers while they are being passed by the bike or while at traffic lights, as their windows are closed and their radios as ON. Those who are close behind the bike will hear the noise, and will almost certainly be annoyed by the noise, but it cannot be fairly said that that contributes to the rider's safety .
Personally, I decline offers to ride with anyone who has a loud exhaust unless I can ride ahead of them.
I do this because, as long as I am ahead of them, I will only barely hear the noise, or, if there is more than a couple of seconds of space between us, then I will probably hear nothing at all.
All that said, it is your bike and you should do it up the way you want it to be, then ride it and enjoy it.A take-away:
People who ride on public roads with open pipes (cars, pickups, or motorcycles) are a$$holes. Period.
Loud pipes do not "save lives", since the noise is not all that noticeable when approaching a car from the rear (which is where it might be of some use). The noise is only noticed once the motorcycle is even with or past the car, so it's only an annoyance, not a warning. When an approaching motorcycle is loud, once the bike is close enough to the car to be audible to the car driver, it is of no real use. In any situation where increased noticeability would be of use (i.e. crowded streets where the car might make a left turn in front of the bike), the exact source of the noise is going to be dissipated by the surrounding traffic. It will not bring attention to the bike because the car driver will just tune it out as background traffic noise.
Unnecessarily subjecting others (particularly pedestrians and people in their homes and in parks) to such loud noise is the height of selfishness and immaturity. It is also illegal in every developed nation.
During the spring of 1998, when I had a three year old and a newborn at home, there was an a$$hole that lived down the road from us who purchased/modified an open piped metric cruiser over the winter. We lived on the very edge of town, where the speed limit dropped from 40 to 30 mph (It dropped from 55 to 40 about 1/4 mile to the south). This $hithead would downshift loudly when coming into town, and on his way out he'd get on the throttle to speed up right in front of our house. Our house was 70' off the road, but it would rattle the windows and drown out the tv or radio momentarily, even with the windows closed. Several times, the noise would wake up our baby and cause her to go into a screaming fit with fear.
After a couple weeks of this, I spoke to the local cops about his livesaving efforts, and finally they agreed to sit in front of my house to see for themselves. Sure enough, our resident lifeguard came roaring by the next Saturday morning, downshifting and blatting the throttle on his bike, rattling the windows as usual. The cop lit him up, and ended up arresting him for driving without a motorcycle endorsement, causing a public disturbance, and going 65 in a 40 zone. His lifesaving machine was impounded, and I never saw it again.
Loud pipes are for a$$holes. I think I will make up a bumper sticker that says that and affix it to my rear window.GS450E GS650E GS700ES GS1000E GS1000G GS1100G GS1100E
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Originally posted by Griffin View PostPeople who ride on public roads with open pipes (cars, pickups, or motorcycles) are a$$holes. Period.
Loud pipes do not "save lives", since the noise is not all that noticeable when approaching a car from the rear (which is where it might be of some use). The noise is only noticed once the motorcycle is even with or past the car, so it's only an annoyance, not a warning. When an approaching motorcycle is loud, once the bike is close enough to the car to be audible to the car driver, it is of no real use. In any situation where increased noticeability would be of use (i.e. crowded streets where the car might make a left turn in front of the bike), the exact source of the noise is going to be dissipated by the surrounding traffic. It will not bring attention to the bike because the car driver will just tune it out as background traffic noise.
Unnecessarily subjecting others (particularly pedestrians and people in their homes and in parks) to such loud noise is the height of selfishness and immaturity. It is also illegal in every developed nation.
During the spring of 1998, when I had a three year old and a newborn at home, there was an a$$hole that lived down the road from us who purchased/modified an open piped metric cruiser over the winter. We lived on the very edge of town, where the speed limit dropped from 40 to 30 mph (It dropped from 55 to 40 about 1/4 mile to the south). This $hithead would downshift loudly when coming into town, and on his way out he'd get on the throttle to speed up right in front of our house. Our house was 70' off the road, but it would rattle the windows and drown out the tv or radio momentarily, even with the windows closed. Several times, the noise would wake up our baby and cause her to go into a screaming fit with fear.
After a couple weeks of this, I spoke to the local cops about his livesaving efforts, and finally they agreed to sit in front of my house to see for themselves. Sure enough, our resident lifeguard came roaring by the next Saturday morning, downshifting and blatting the throttle on his bike, rattling the windows as usual. The cop lit him up, and ended up arresting him for driving without a motorcycle endorsement, causing a public disturbance, and going 65 in a 40 zone. His lifesaving machine was impounded, and I never saw it again.
Loud pipes are for a$$holes. I think I will make up a bumper sticker that says that and affix it to my rear window.
Dip$hit loud pipe guys often think that as long as they limp into their home area and don't blare the exhaust then all is well. The only thing this does is show their cowardice since if they make noise close to home they may have to stand face to face with someone complaining about their noise. These asshats light throttle through their neighborhood and then open it up as soon as they get two blocks down, away from people they know. In other words, they don't want to be confronted for noise but don't give a crap about people otherwise.
In my last place there was some ah0le with open pipes that would leave for work at 5AM. He would roll the bike out quiet like but I'd wake up as soon as he started up the bike. The bike ran well and he could motor down the road at idle quite well, as he attempted to mitigate the noise close to his own place, but I could hear him grab a handful of throttle just a few blocks away. Of course the poor people living a few blocks away would get a full blast from an open pipe bike blaring at 5:01 AM.Ed
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