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New 83 gs850g

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    What an amazing time capsule. It had to be kept in ideal conditions indoors.
    It is stunning.
    1983 GS 550 LD
    2009 BMW K1300s


      I've noticed a few things about this bike, minor things really. The front of the windjammer bracket is broken. The fiberglass is all in great shape, it won't be hard to weld it back together. There are several leaks when it heats up. Cam chain tensioner, clutch cover, tachometer seals, oil pan, cylinder head, valve cover and end plugs, oil pressure sensor. Nothing really bad but just weeping. Ill wipe it for now but order a gasket set in the fall. Maybe checking the torque on all of these will eliminate some leaks.

      It has been hot here, a steady 100 degrees or higher. The windjammer may be nice in the cold weather, but it just may have to go, we'll see. My wife and I rode last night and the corbin seat is great! The built in backrest is just right for her and there is plenty of room between us.

      '83 GS850G Daily rider
      '82 GS1100GK Work in (slow) progress


        I feel my posting is so disorganized I clutter up other threads, my apologies.

        Yesterday I pulled the windjammer and adjusted some shims to get all valves within .051 to .064 mm. I fired it up and after a short ride around the block and it seemed to slowly starve for fuel, then die. Couldn't restart so I pushed it home, ugh!

        When I first picked the bike up, a couple of weeks ago, it wouldn't hold an idle off choke. I drained the tank and refilled with higher octane gas, swapped the carbs with newly rebuilt ones (THANKS CHEF) and it ran great. Now it's doing the same thing again. P.O. said he replaced the petcock, which looks to be true. He added an inline filter which my other GS's didn't have. Is there enough vacuum pressure to draw fuel through these filters?


        '83 GS850G Daily rider
        '82 GS1100GK Work in (slow) progress


          Fuel filter could well be a problem. I'd remove it and test again.
          1980 GS550ET


            Ok, replaced fuel line without filter. Seemed to start and run ok without the choke. No power though on the road. Back into the garage and noticed exhaust for cyl's 3 and 4 were just warm, 1 and 2 piping hot. Spark is going to 3 and 4. Loosened the drain plug under the carbs and fuel came out. Any thoughts?

            '83 GS850G Daily rider
            '82 GS1100GK Work in (slow) progress


              I just realized, before I installed the spark plugs yesterday I used some anti seize on them. A crayon stick kind of putty stuff (not sure if it's all the same). Maybe it's insulating the plug or fouling two of them?

              '83 GS850G Daily rider
              '82 GS1100GK Work in (slow) progress


                Not that it would probably produce those symptoms, but isn't a carb sync needed after a fresh valve adjustment?
                1983 GS 1100 Guided Laser
                1983 GS 1100 G
                2000 Suzuki Intruder 1500, "Piggy Sue"
                2000 GSF 1200 Bandit (totaled in deer strike)
                1986 Suzuki Cavalcade GV 1400 LX (SOLD)

                I find working on my motorcycle mildly therapeutic when I'm not cursing.


                  Yes. Synch the carbs and see where things go. If the cylinders were all firing before the valve adjustment, and now they aren't, then you know where to start. If synch'ing doesn't help much (make sure to note the initial readings before making changes), then you probably should go back in and recheck your clearances, maybe you misread a measurement. If you haven't already, you might also want to check compression and see where it stands.

                  You shouldn't need a fuel filter with an oem style petcock, it has a filter screen built into the post. The fuel system isn't designed to operate with an additional filter, so pitching it was a good call.
                  GS450E GS650E GS700ES GS1000E GS1000G GS1100G GS1100E
                  KZ550A KZ700A GPZ750
                  CB400T CB900F


                    Ill try to locate a carb sync tool. Compression before adjustment was between 112 and 117psi on all cylinders, ill check again after church today.

                    '83 GS850G Daily rider
                    '82 GS1100GK Work in (slow) progress


                      Originally posted by Burque73 View Post
                      Ill try to locate a carb sync tool.
                      Best tool available is Carbtune. click link. Comes from the UK, priced in British Pounds.
                      Cost is 73 Pounds for Carbtune, case and air mail. At today's currency rate, that is $95.71 USD.

                      mine: 2000 Honda GoldWing GL1500SE and 1980 GS850G'K' "Junior"
                      hers: 1982 GS850GL - "Angel" and 1969 Suzuki T250 Scrambler
                      #1 son: 1986 Yamaha Venture Royale 1300 and 1982 GS650GL "Rat Bagger"
                      #2 son: 1980 GS1000G
                      Family Portrait
                      Siblings and Spouses
                      Mom's first ride
                      Want a copy of my valve adjust spreadsheet for your 2-valve per cylinder engine? Send me an e-mail request (not a PM)
                      (Click on my username in the upper-left corner for e-mail info.)

