I have already written at least two topics full of questions but I guess that I forgot to introduce myself. I like to call myself Himer it's a very old nickname from the past and with a very long story, some people in my country call me "Gearbox". I prefer nickname because pronouncing name Ireneusz is really hard for anyone. Currently I am 21 years old. I come from Poland and I live in Wroclaw. By the education and papers I am an Electrical Technician but my work is strictly servicing PCs and printers(I love that job by the way). Currently I do own 3 motorcycles. Two probably completely unknown here. Classic Polish WSK 125cc from 1984 and Czechoslovakian CZ 350 model 472.6 350cc from year 1987. WSK reminds me of my father, it was his motorcycle(he is dead), Cezet is my own buy and 5 years long story that is close to finish(complete rebuild to fatory state). Well Czechoslovakian piece seems to be bulletproof literally. I had 5 seizures on a very long trip to home and made it back on wheels plus you can repair it with very simple tools on the side of the road. Probably I should just say it is just a two stroke, that's why. While doing rebuild on Czechoslovakian "road bullet" I was really hungry for a saddle. So I started looking for GS 500 which is an amateur motorcycle in my country. I do ride for more than 5 years, yeah mostly without license made. But in some time law in my country changed so I am stuck for now up to 48 horse power and nothing widely available is good for my license(I did both for motorcycles and cars). I saw literally 8 GS 500s which were completely piece of junk for 4000 PLN.
I gave up. I was sitting in armchair smoking cigarette and drinking some good czech beer when my friend called me(he knew I was searching for a saddle). He gave me info on GSX 400 F katana. The one with gear indicator. I called the owner, ok everything is settled I am going in 100% to get a live look and ride and told him to keep it for me. I have arrived well in the evening but she was sitting in a very good iluminated garage so I could see everything. Then test ride with cold look and cold mind. Running straight, I got every bill for parts and total list what was done. For 2700 PLN she was just ready, everything payed including insurance.
Now she is with me. She had a burnt stator but with the original R/R one phase was enough to keep bike running there was a bottleneck in city. Problem is now resolved with replaced stator and SH-572A R/R which is barely warm. I loved this bike after some time, especially the engine. It is small, yes. 45 HP, okay... But God, it gives me eargasms. Plus I call her "Pretty Little Psycho". Rev her on gears up to 12k rpm you will get what I say

In dead season I need to:
- Retorqe cylinder head
- Check valves again
- Check and correct synchro
- Adjust mixture on all 4 carbs because slow system is flooding the engine
- Change tires to proper size(she has bad ones, good quality but wrong size)
- Change front fork oil(I know there is SAE #5 instead of #15 which is listed in manual)
- For a good measure, new spark plugs, oil, filter, cleaning of oil sump filter, new brake fluid
For now she doesn't have any major malfunctions I can ride her without worries. Kilometres just go one after another so I will need to make my list a thing.
It comes from Sweden so it is legit Swedish version. I have original front fender, back construction is also original excluding the case mount. Full fork covers are not original too, beneath are perfect forks but I am not touching it. She has 33 years, made in 1983 without any rebuild. I do not plan any rebuild it would be just simply destroying the taste of this bike. For its mileage and age it is almost perfect. 83 000 km on speedo right now.
And some pic: