so introducing my new bike. i initally bought a 77 gs750 to be my new bike. the kawasaki was limited to at the most 50hp was what i ever get and that invalled a ninja 500 swap. this bike starts at i belive 63hp and 2 more cylinders. well i paid 500$ to a friend and when he dropped off the title i see its not in his name. so i find out it was never in his name,same for the guy before him and the guy before him. hell the original owner even signed there name in the buyer part on the title and the bike hadnt been registered since 2008. so we make an agreement that hell give me back 250$ to buy a frame that way we bolth make out(he only paid $150). so i buy a titled frame for the bike. an 83 gs1100 hard tailed drag bike with a wheelie bar and a 99 katana 1100 front end for $175. on my way home from getting the frame my friend tells we he has a solution to get me the title instead of just merging the 2 bikes.
so now i have my 86 kawasaki that im selling
my 77 gs750 that will end up becoming more of a sport bike/cafe racer build if he gets me a title
and my 83 gs1100 that i will end up chopping off the back end and doing a better designed hardtail than whats on now.
oh and i have another friends gs500 i belive it is that i have to put a harness on for him